
MachPanel Knowledgebase

RELNOTES:MachPanel Build v7.2.35 Release Notes (November 29, 2023)

Mudesira Munir

  1. Important Prerequisites/Upgrade Instructions
  2. Important Note
  3. Improvements/New Features
  4. Resolved/Fix Issues
  5. Known Issues
1. Important Prerequisites

Please follow the steps given below in sequence and execute instructions in the KB articles to complete the update:

  1. Update to Latest MachPanel Control Server
  2. Update to Latest MachPanel Remote Server

Also, there are some SQL commands/scripts used since build 7.2.11 which are supported in SQL 2012 or later. So, it is recommended that you install SQL version 2017 or 2019 using below KB article

Once done, you have to move your MachPanel DB from old SQL instance to the newly installed SQL. For that you can follow below KB article

2. Important Note

If you are using MachPanel Rest API, please follow link below to update to latest version of Rest API:

3. Improvements/New Features
  • General (MachPanel, AD, ADSync, Billing, Store, API, Help Desk):
  • Updated command parameter from -LocalizeDefaultFolderName to -LocalizeDefaultFolderName:$True. This way the problem with newly created mailboxes that do not have localized folder names has been resolved.
  • Removed Server Details from error on Customer interface.
  • REST API will be installed along with the Installation of MachPanel Control Server
  • Updated Config Studio UX/UI
  • Updated Remote Config Studio UX/UI
  • Information will not be cleared in Test Service [ test service via MP].
  • Option to Hide HelpDesk Module from Customer Control Center via Access Templates.
  • Customizable setting for EU VATId country verification added.
  • OAuth 2 authentication enabled for REST API
  • Security Group as a member of Security Group does not sync to Hosted AD
  • Add new Security Group via Active Directory service plan while selecting existing OU for e.g. Exchange.
  • SOAP API calls are updated to return data labels in English
  • Improved Auto Login feature for PHP/WHMCS using OpenSSL Encrypt
  • Select User using CSV in AD Users Group Actions
  • Updated ADSync Config Studio UI
  • Microsoft Exchange:

  • Microsoft CSP/Office365:
  • Microsoft VPS (Hyper-V):

4. Resolved / Fixed Issues
  • General (MachPanel, AD, ADSync, Billing, Store, API, Help Desk):
  • Fixed - Provisioning service restarts every few minutes in load balanced setup environment due to manage_session.dat file.
  • Fixed - CustomerId invalid when getting Subscriptions from Ingram Micro API against Customer.
  • Fixed - DigiCert package page break when API settings are invalid.
  • Fixed - AD Org sync from backend does not handle Sub OU structure as needed.
  • Fixed - Wrong message on update reseller password REST API call.
  • Fixed - Template clone feature in REST API.
  • Fixed - Mailbox create issue when using template in REST API.
  • Fixed - Reset Authenticator not working.
  • Fixed - Conflicting users created during mailbox provisioning.
  • Fixed - White label does not accept '-'
  • Fixed - Issue with API Response
  • Fixed - Issue in display of User Usage report in AD module
  • Microsoft Exchange:​​

  • Fixed - Mailbox interface loader image does not work when user comes from Mailbox Manager screen.
  • Fixed - Object Reference error in Sync Exchange from backend.
  • Fixed - RPC over HTTP handling display issue.
  • Fixed - Variables are not getting replaced in Exchange Signatures.
  • Fixed - Error in Add/Edit Ex server group member: Remoting exception: 'UpdateInDb': Update failure in query: SPR_UpdateExSGMemberActiveConnections N'0', N'1'.
  • Fixed - Error creating mailbox when Standard template is selected.
  • Fixed - CSV for BULK Contact Creation(Russian)
  • Fixed - Issue in RPC over HTTP allowed and MAPI over HTTP allowed handling in creating and editing mailbox.
  • Fixed - Wrong aliases added against mailbox during sync organization from backend, need to run sync Organization data from backend for affected Organization after update.
  • Fixed - Soft Delete settings not applied on Mailbox deletion with AD User.
  • Fixed - MB template assignment using Mailbox group actions transaction issue.
  • Fixed - Wrong UPN Suffix assigned when organization have more than 1 suffix in add bulk AD users.
  • Hostmatic/Shared/Web Hosting:
  • Fixed - DNS Test Service Anomaly
5. Known Issues

On updating Remote Configuration studio to 7.2.35 following error appears:

"Unable to start Update Installer. Details: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: startIndex"

  1. You can either download following "Remote configuration studio.exe" and place in MachPanel remote server (C:\Program Files\MachSol\MachPanel Remote Server) and perform Auto update on remote server.
  2. Or you can perform Manual Update.
    • Download:
    • Right Click the downloaded file, got o "Properties", "Unblock" then hit "Ok" if the file is blocked.
    • Stop MachPanel Provisioning Service, exit Remote config studio from task bar (or end task from task manager).
    • Copy all files from folder "Files" into folder C:\Program Files\MachSol\MachPanel Remote Server.
    • Restart MachPanel Provisioning Service.

Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 7 Months Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
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