
MachPanel Knowledgebase

RELNOTES:MachPanel Build v7.2.11 Release Notes (March 15, 2023)

Rehan Waseem

  1. Important Prerequisites/Upgrade Instructions
  2. Important Note
  3. Improvements/New Features
  4. Resolved/Fix Issues
1. Important Prerequisites

Please follow the steps given below in sequence and execute instructions in the KB articles to complete the update:

  1. Update to Latest MachPanel Control Server
  2. Update to Latest MachPanel Remote Server

Also, there are some SQL commands used in this build (7.2.11), which are supported in SQL 2012 or later. So please install SQL version 2017 or 2019 using below KB article

Once done, you have to move your MachPanel DB from old SQL instance to the newly installed SQL. For that you can follow below KB article

2. Important Note

If you are using MachPanel Rest API, please follow link below to update to latest version of Rest API:

3. Improvements/New Features
  • General (MachPanel, AD, ADSync, Billing, Store, WHMCS, HelpDesk):
  • Enhancement: MachPanel Passwordless Authentication mechanism implemented.
  • Enhancement: On Connection String update MachPanel Web, REST API and all Services will be restarted.
  • Enhancement: Workflow (Exchange --- Mailbox --- Auto Disable In-Active) added for all Customers.
  • Enhancement: Language option has been added in MachPanel Notifications
  • Enhancement: Access Control Management has been added (Home > System Configuration > Access Control > Manage).
  • Enhancement: Permission added in Access Template for Customer to Allow/Disallow Contacts Creation.
  • Enhancement: KeyCloak SSO Authentication via OpenID Connect Integration has been added in MachPanel.
  • Enhancement: Updated JQuery to the latest version 3.6.3.
  • Microsoft Exchange:

  • Microsoft CSP/Office365:
  • Enhancement: Exchange v3 PowerShell Module has been Integrated .
  • Microsoft VPS (Hyper-V):

  • Microsoft DNS:

4. Resolved / Fixed Issues
  • General (MachPanel, AD, ADSync, Billing, Store, WHMCS, Helpdesk):
  • Fixed Issue: Customer's Contacts No Record Found(SP_EM_GetCountry N'0').
  • Fixed Issue: Error while Edit HelpDesk Blocking Filter.
  • Fixed Issue: Billing Tiles displayed on Dashboard even if "Show Billing to Customer" is unchecked.
  • Fixed Issue: CSP Module Image in Store Dashboard.
  • Fixed Issue: Customer's Contact Login.
  • Microsoft Exchange:
  • Fixed Issue: Error in report when Display Customer Number is Unchecked in Company Profile.

  • Microsoft CSP/Office365:
  • Fixed Issue: Error in Mailbox Sync job in O365 .
  • Fixed Issue: CSP Mail Contact tab issue.

  • Microsoft Hyper-V:
  • Fixed Issue: VM Move operation.
  • Microsoft Sharepoint:
  • Fixed Issue: Subscription Cancellation.
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: Last Year
Last Modified By: rehan_waseem
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