
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Add Sealed, ISO images, OS Licenses & Storage types in Setup for Hyper-V

Mudesira Munir


This article provide a summary how to add Sealed and ISO images, OS licenses, Quota settings, storage types, VNIC bandwidth tier in Hyper-V setup.

Applies To

This article applies to MachPanel build v6 and above


First of all integrate VPS(Hyper -V)server, details for integrating VPS are given on the following KB article:

Configure Setup in MachPanel Hyper-V automation Module

Navigate to following path to view SetupHome > Service Director > VPS Hosting > Setup. In Setup of Hyper-V automation Module you can configure following:

  1. Sealed Images
  2. Quota Settings
  3. OS Licenses 
  4. Storage Type
  5. VNIC Bandwidth tiers
  6. RDP Custom Ports
  7. Guarded Fabric
Sealed Images:
  1. SOP for preparation of Windows Sealed Images for Hyper-V (Hosted VPS)
  2. SOP for preparation of Centos (Linux) & Ubuntu Sealed Images for Hyper-V

Under Sealed Images tab, To add a new image click on Add Sealed Image button.

  1. Image Name: Provide image title.
  2. Image path: Provide the path of the image.
  3. VM Generation: Select generation of image.
  4. Sealed Image Type: Select the type of the sealed image Windows\ Linux.
  5. Operating System: Select operating system from the dropdown.
  6. Apply Windows Product Key: Check box to apply key.
  7. Delay for OS initialization after 1st boot: Add “VMOSSetupWait” string value in registry path “SOFTWARE\MachSol\Remote Configuration Studio” for all remote servers. Set the value 3, 5 or greater as per their need. By default we delay for 3 minutes.

Click on Save button when done.

Quota Settings:

To configure quota select Quota Settings tab:

  1. Enable Bandwidth Metering: Check this option to enable.
  2. Send email to: Select option for e.g. Owner Only, Customer Only,  Both Owner and Customer. When bandwidth usage is -----% of allowed limit.
  3. Automatic Suspend Service: Select days. When bandwidth is over used.
  4. Automatic Resume: Check this option for automatic resume.

Click on Save button when done.

OS Licenses:

Select OS Licenses tab. Click Add License button to add new License key.

  1. License Key: Provide License Key.
  2. Operating System: Select Operating system
  3. Max Activations: Provide maximum number of activations.
  4. Active: Select Active

Click Save when done.

ISO Images:

Select ISO Image tab. Click Add ISO Image button.

  1. Image Name: Provide ISO image name.
  2. ISO Image File Path: Provide ISO image path.
  3. Enabled: Check this box to enable.
  4. Select Customer(s): Select Customers to apply this ISO image.

Click Save when done.

Storage Types:

Select Storage Type tab. Click Add Storage Type button.

  • Storage Type Name: Provide storage type name.

Click Save when done.


VNIC Bandwidth Tier:

Select VNIC Bandwidth Tiers tab and Add Bandwidth Tier to add new tier.

  1. Tier Name: Provider tier friendly name.
  2. Min Mbps: Provide minimum MBPS.
  3. Max Mbps: Provide maximum MBPS.
  4. Applied To: Select public or private tier.

Click Save when done. ​​

RDP Custom Ports:

You can add range of RDP custom Ports.

Add range and select customer.

Guarded Fabric

Navigate to Setup select Gaurded Fabric tab.

Click Add Key Protector as shown below:

Click Save when done.

Min Mbps:

Max Mbps:

Applied To:

Min Mbps:

Max Mbps:

Applied To:

Type: HOW TO
Level: Beginner
Last Modified: 2 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote
Article has been viewed 4.1K times.
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