
MachPanel Knowledgebase

INFO:Integrate VPS (Hyper-V) server in MachPanel

Zohaib Shaikh


This article provides information on how to integrate MachPanel Automation Module for Microsoft Hyper-V.

Applies To

Applies to MachPanel v6 and onward.

  1. MachPanel Control Server has been installed, if not then follow below KB article:
  2. MachPanel Remote Server has been installed on the Hyper-V host, if not then follow below KB article:
  3. Active Directory information has been added in MachPanel, if not then follow below KB article:

MachPanel Control Server and MachPanel Remote Server communicate with each other over Port 7860.  MachPanel Control Server passes on the information to remote server where actual provisioning takes place. Also make sure that MachPanel Control Server and MachPanel Remote Server are on the same build and that MachPanel Provisioning Service is running on both servers.


To prepare sealed images please refer to the following knowledge base article.

    Latest versions of Hyper-V 
    • To Enable/Disable VPS provider, navigate to the path: Home >> System Configuration >> Providers >> VPS Hosting.

    • In order to add a new server group, navigate to the path: Home >> Service Director >> VPS Hosting.
     Adding Server Group and Member Server to VPS Hosting

    To add a Server Group to the VPS Hosting Extension, select Server Groups and then click on Add Server Group button as shown below:


      • In Step-1 provide Server Group Name and select provider then click on Next button as shown below:

      • Storage Configuration: Select Cluster or StandAlone. (Default: Standalone)

      Note: The Cluster option is For Hyper-V 2012 or later only with Active Directory selection. (If no active directory is selected then Storage configuration is Stand Alone and it will disable Cluster radio button. If Provider is Hyper-V Server 2008 then Storage Configuration is Stand Alone and Cluster will be disabled. You need to configure Active Directory Domain before adding server group for cluster by Navigating to this: Home > Service Director > Active Directory > Active Directory Domains


      • Virtual Hard Disks / VHD Locations: New option to specify multiple locations for Virtual Hard Disks. Provide VHD path, Max size in GB's and select customer.   
      • Max Size: Provide Disc size in GB.
      • Customer: Select Customers and click Add.


        • In Step-2 provide Reference Id, IPUsername and Password and then click on Finish button as shown below:


          • Description of each item is as follows:
          1. Reference Id: It is an identifier for the provider, so as to know which Hyper-V server it is.
          2. IP: It is the IP of server where Hyper-V is installed as well as MachPanel Remote Server.
          3. No. of VM’s allowed on this server: Provide total number of Allowed VM.
          4. RAM that can be allocated to VMs: Provide the size of a RAM.
          5. Virtual Processors: Provide total number of Virtual processors allowed.
          • After integrating you need to Test Service by clinking on Test Service link as shown in the snapshot below:


          •  You can also health check for each VPS server.


          • In order to provision Hyper-V you need to Add IP's or Virtual Switches in Virtual Networks. Please review the KB article at the link given below:
          Adding Virtual Networks:

          Note 1:  If VPS Hosting Module is not enabled, navigate to the System Configuration >> Built-in Modules, check VPS module enabled box and then click on Update configuration button. Also check to see if you have acquired appropriate licenses for VPS Hosting Module.
          Note 2:  It has been noticed that if UAC is enabled on a remote server, the Service Account does not get appropriate rights in local security policy so we have to make amends and fix that. For any service account below permission on Remote Servers where MachPanel Remote agent is installed are mandatory to have:

          • Allow log on locally:

          • Log on as a service:
          Type: INFO
          Level: Intermediate
          Last Modified: 5 Months Ago
          Last Modified By: rehan_waseem
          Rated 2 stars based on 7 votes.
          Article has been viewed 56K times.
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