Important Prerequisites/Upgrade Instructions
Improvements/New Features
Resolved/Fixed Issues
1. Important Prerequisites
Please follow the steps given below in sequence and execute instructions in the KB articles to complete the update:
Update to Latest MachPanel
Update to Latest MachPanel Remote Server
2. Improvements / New Features
- General (MachPanel, AD, ADSync, Billing, Store, WHMCS):
- Enhancement: O365 Add-ons selling with Offers in online store. Buy Addon button is shown in Online store along with Package Offers if add-ons are associated with the relevant package.
- Enhancement: Add-on handling for Direct routing calling plan
- Enhancement: Audit Logging for Teams direct routing Management
- Enhancement: Sync from backend for Phone numbers
3. Resolved / Fixed Issues
- General (Machpanel, Billing, Ad, Adsync):
- Fixed: Monthly scheduled reports aren't being sent
- Fixed: Pending Domain Verification is being used for Contact and PF
- Fixed: User mapping getting hanged for longer than normal
- Fixed: 2FA isn't getting disabled on disabling globally
- Fixed: CSP Password generation available for locked user(Adsync Enabled)
- Fixed: Email templates configuration changes performed by reselller are being applied at PCC as well
- Fixed: Fixed enabling domain verification without existing domains checked, enables domain verification for old domains
- Fixed: Separate AD Login page added, do update web.config as well
- Fixed: Certain pages of panel stop working if control server Internet is blocked
- Fixed: "Allow PST Export" is not retaining value in access permission
- Fixed: German translation updated
- Fixed: CSS updated for avoiding capitalization of text on Login and Forgot password page
- Fixed: German characters issue in meeting organizer reply
- Fixed: Instructions published here to protect Control Panel website from ClickJacking for Vulnerability in auto-login via API.
- Fixed: Remove mailbox and AD User link is hidden
- Fixed: As a Reseller/End customer I am able to see irrelevant records in subscription report
- Fixed: Issue in export Distribution Lists Member Report
- Fixed: Compliance not visible under Exchange Organization Management
- Fixed: Email template edit problem fixed where reseller setting was overriding other resellers
- Fixed: Exchange Subscription report shows other customers data
- Fixed: Issue in Resource Mailbox Booking duration
- Fixed: Alternative email address isn’t getting added as alias
- Fixed: Mailbox Template Search Field focus was set on add button
- Fixed: Alias null error creating linked Hosted user CSP mailbox
- Fixed: Error in CSP import due to domain
- Fixed: Error in CSP import due to tenant domain and initial domain mis-match fixed
- Fixed: Import subscription to CSP tenant issue of invalid date error due to azure offer commitment end date is fixed
- Fixed: Issue of CSP/O365 adding new addon offer to existing subscription due to wrong billing cycle set for addon in API request
- Fixed: O365 resource mailbox features issue
- Fixed: CSP Generate password button not disabled when ADSync enabled
- Fixed: Info message 'User editing is disabled due to ADSyc' added for CSP
- Fixed: CSP Resource mailbox quota and features issues
- Fixed: Resource users are listing in Teams section without E1 and E3 license as well