This article provides 5.4.10 HF5 (Hotfix-5) and information about how to apply this fix on your servers. The hotfix is a cumulative update so contains all fixes from HF1, HF2, HF3 and HF4 for build 5.4.10.
This article applies to MachPanel v5.4.10.
- MachPanel Control Panel and all MachPanel Remote Servers need to be on Build v5.4.10 and then Hot-fix can be applied. Please follow the steps given below in sequence and execute instructions in the KB articles to complete the update:
- Update to Latest MachPanel
- Update to Latest MachPanel Remote Server
v 5.4.10 HF5
Last Updated on 12th, July, 2016.
1. Fixed Mailbox usage not getting updated.
2. Fixed Edit SFB User error using API.
3. Enhanced ADUser, group or contact CN creation to allow object creation when CN is already in use for another object by appending integer value at end of CN.
4. Fixed issue where Password was not encrypted for AdirUser when ADSync enabled for user.
5. Setting of correct CountryId while adding/editing lync user through API in ADUser table done.
6. Fixed adding Conference Dial-in numbers issue when numbers are not already added (table is empty i.e. no records found).
7. Fixed issue with automatic execution of FixSecurityPermission operation from service queue.
This Update Contains following 4 Hotfix items also:
v5.4.10 HF1
Last Updated on 1st, Apr, 2016.
- Switch Package issue for Skype4B Users when the new package has more than one dial plan fixed.
- ADSync problem of client UPN setting as hosted UPN when client domain is added as accepted domain in hosted MachPanel fixed. Now it will set to primary/default domain of the hosted organization when UPN is not selected for sync in ADSync template.
- Graph issue for Resource/Shared mailboxes fixed.
- Duplicate Region/Area names in Region/Area drop-down lists fixed.
- Office 365 menu shown on client side panel when office 365 module is turned off fixed.
- Company/Owner/Reseller selection option is shown on client side interface for office 365 usage report fixed.
- Issue in BulkUser creation in Skype4B module fixed.
- Linked mailbox creation issue fixed.
v5.4.10 HF2
Last Updated on 22th, Apr, 2016.
- Fixed Call Rates processing issue when no group job is present for Skype4B
- Fixed issue adding group job, when an Apostrophe is found in job data/text
- Updated Organization Name, Company Name field in Customer profile to allow 128 chars.
- Fixed Access Template issue in Exchange where Add Linked/Shared/Room/Equipment mailbox button were visible when not allowed.
- Mailbox, Mail Contact and Distribution List display in select boxes is standardized in exchange module like DisplayName - EmailAddress (Type)
- Fixed Error in Exchange management due to wrong id used for options hover menu.
- Auto remove old backup will remove DB backups too if SQL is installed on Control Panel.
- Fixed issue where mailbox selection on Client dashboard takes user to Mailbox listing instead of Mailbox edit screen.
- Added Linked, Resource mailbox creation from Customer Dashboard, previously it supported only User Mailbox creation.
- Fixed bug in Linked mailbox creation giving error Password is blank.
- Fixed quota graphs on customer dashboard. Separate graph added for resource mailbox.
- Fixed issue when Cancelling Skype4B subscription and getting Data Type Conversion error.
- Fixed Case Sensitivity issue in DID areas and Types.
- Fixed issue where CS was taking backups twice when schedule was set as "Daily".
- Fixed issue when employee was restricted to access AD Domains via roles, whole AD module was hidden from menu.
- On Add-on Quantity cancellation, an email will be generated mentioning Add-ons quantity cancelled in subject.
- Fixed Lync, SharePoint, Exchange etc. Clear button in Group Action redirects the page to main group action interface.
- Fixed Call records processing error where error occurred in saving data due to different amount format.
- Fixed: Removing Music on Hold audio file while editing Workflow not working.
- Fixed: Object reference error on Edit Skype4B Subscription resources.
- Fixed: Multiple occurrences of same phone numbers in phone numbers listing.
- Fixed: Invalid Phone number display format in "DisplayNumber".
v5.4.10 HF3
Last Updated on 22nd, May, 2016.
- Enhancement: Call report and Conference call report name will contain from date and to date .
- Enhancement: Standardize Report name in all places using format ReportName-MonthName-dd-yyyy-HH-mm-8RandomChars.
- Enhancement: The new Akamai transaction URLs that are available for Authorize.Net are updated in panel, so all supported versions have configurable API URL(s).
- Fixed: Remove permission from Room mailbox via Group action gives error "Data at the root level is invalid. Line1, position 1.
- Fixed: Fixed issue where password complexity message appear when creating a room mailbox from AD.
- Fixed: Error in exporting audit logs after loading from archives.
- Fixed: Phone number assignment/unassignment issue in add/edit Lync user/workflow
- Fixed: Fixed commission display issue in Servie plan/add-ons, it was not populating correct.
- Fixed: Removing Music on Hold audio file while editing Workflow
- Fixed: Object reference error on Edit Skype4B Subscription resources
- Fixed: Multiple occurrences of same phone numbers in phone numbers listing
- Fixed: Invalid Phone number display format in "DisplayNumber"
- Fixed: User already exists issue in bulk lync user creation if process is failed in first attempt.
- Fixed: Addon resource display issue at client side in Exchange.
- Fixed: Wrong redirection- workflow Add/edit page click to cancel.
- Fixed: Issues handling audio files for Interactive Voice Responses of a workflow.
- Fixed: Issues handling audio files for GUI based organization
- Fixed: Exchange import gives error Cannot convert NVarChar to Date when litigation hold is enabled on Mailbox.
- Fixed: An ADUser is created as enabled user by ADSync, Shared mailbox creation for same user fails as Enable-Mailbox command does not work for Enabled AD User.
- Fixed: User Signed In as Contact of Customer appears as Customer when there is no activity for 20+ minutes.
- Fixed: Erorr in assigning LineUri to Skype4B users through group operations.
- Fixed: Skype4B resource tab issue when no addon is present.
v5.4.10 HF3
Last Updated on 23rd, May, 2016.
Error in Subscribe Hosting or Subscribe Multiple fixed in API/WHMCS calls.
For Issue: Removing Music on Hold audio file while editing Workflow not working. You have to update SfB/Lync remote servers, replace files from Remote folder.
v 5.4.10 HF4
Last Updated on 3rd, Jun, 2016.
1. New functionality added to Allow selling of Add-ons with Quantity
option using WHMCS Product Configuration Options. For details check
article on link: (
Important Note: Clients using WHMCS, need to update their integration. Integration files have been updated here ( Also new integration pack must be deployed in case any error is encountered.
2. Fixed OU not getting deleted on Customer deletion.
3. Fixed AD User was not deleted when Exchange Subscription Cancelled and Auto Delete ADUser was On.
4. Fixed Lync user creation with Apostrophe in name does not set First Name, Last Name correctly.
5. Validation improved in SFB user creation to reduce errors from back-end on invalid input in Name, SIP etc.
6. Fixed error in editing SFB resources when related Call bundle is deleted.
- Go to MachPanel configuration studio.
- Shut down all the MachPanel services and also exit the configuration studio. Make sure no instance to MachPanel Configuration Studio is running under any user.

- Download the hotfix file from the link at bottom of this page.
- Stop IIS Admin Service, please make sure that all the services are STOPPED from MachPanel Configuration Studio. Verify from "Task Manager" that the following services are not running.
- MachSol.MachPanel Provisioning Service.
- MachSol.MachPanel.ConfigurationStudio.exe.
- MachPanel Billing Service.
- MachPanel Helpdesk Service.
- MachPanel Network Service.
- MachPanel License Service.
- MachPanel O365 Service.

- Replace files from Control Server folder on MachPanel control server (Path: C:\Program Files\MachSol\MachPanel Control Server) and Replace files from Remote server folder of hotfix folder on MachPanel remote server keeping
the folder hierarchy same as it is in hotfix. (you should get message
to overwrite files, if not you are not doing it right).
- Execute
script.txt from zip file on MachPanel_Db after logging in to SQL management
studio as MachPanel_Db user. Password can be obtained from connection
string in registry of MachPanel Control Server.

- Once all files are replaced properly from hotfix folder Restart
all services related to MachPanel on Control as well as Remote Servers.
Download Link
Note: Please Unblock the files before replacing in installation directory if the downloaded Zip folder is blocked.