
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Sell MachPanel Addons via WHMCS product Configurable Options

Mudesira Munir


This article provides a summary for Selling MachPanel Addons via WHMCS product Configurable Options.

Applies To

This article applies to MachPanel build v5.4.10 HF4.


We can sell MachPanel addons via WHMCS addon functionality. However there is another possibility of selling MachPanel AddOns using WHMCS and it is known as product Configurable Options.

Why Configurable Options than AddOn ?

  1. WHMCS AddOns does not support multiple quantity for selling in bulk.
  2. WHMCS Addons can have different pricing model and cannot merge into WHMCS product pricing model.

WHMCS Configurable Options can be located under products setup menu as depicted below.


To add WHMCS Configurable Options, you need to create a Configurable Options group first. On clicking Configurable Options menu in above snapshot, below screen will appear that is listing existing Configurable Options. You can edit a Configurable Options group or add new from here.

On Configurable Options detail screen you have to associate products and add/edit Configurable Options. See below screen.

In above screen you can see that there are Configurable Options added in this group, you can add new group options on clicking Add new button and/or edit existing group option by clicking on edit link in the options listing.

When you add or edit a Configurable Options below depicted screen appears.

Here you can provide Option name, its type and its pricing settings.

[Note: For a Configurable Options to be sold in MachPanel as addon the Configurable Options name must match the AddOn name in MachPanel and its type set as ‘Quantity’. See below snapshot.]

[Note: When selling MachPanel Addon via WHMCS Configurable Options, then WHMCS AddonId is not needed in MachPanel AddOn add/edit interface. You can set it to ‘0’]

Once WHMCS Configurable Options are added and their group being associated with WHMCS products, then on creating new order/selling product these Configurable Options are shown on order form under ‘Configurable Options’ section. There you can provide the quantity for each available Configurable Options and then on server module create command the MachPanel integration package will send request to MachPanel server module to sell associated (on the basis of their name) with given quantity.  See below screenshot.

WHMCS Configurable Options to MachPanel AddOn sale business rules

To successfully achieve the goal of selling MachPanel Addon via WHMCS Configurable Options there are some requirements needed and rules to be implemented and understood.

Requirement specification

  • Configurable Options name in WHMCS must match the AddOn name in MachPanel.
    • WHMCS AddonId should be set to 0.
  • Configurable Options type shall be set as Quantity type.
Sales Rule

There are two possible cases of selling MachPanel Addons via Configurable Options:

On Product/Service sale

At the time of product sale in MachPanel via WHMCS (i.e. server module create event), if there are some Configurable Options linked with the product being sold and the option is given a quantity when placing the order MachPanel integration system will send request for selling Configurable Options too.
On server module if MachPanel server application finds any matching addons in MachPanel database, it will sell those AddOns with specified quantity if that is greater than zero (0). Otherwise no action will be performed at MachPanel server end.

On Product/Service change

There are possibilities where some Configurable Options may change after being sold once, their quantity may increase or decrease or even may require to cancel the MachPanel Addon. To handle post sales/setup updates for Configurable Options we have enhanced the WHMCS change package server module command handler to take care of any changes in Configurable Options too.

It can handle following cases:
  1. Sell new Addon in MachPanel on addition of new Configurable Options or an option quantity being changed from zero to some positive number.
  2. Update existing AddOn quantity in MachPanel on change of quantity in WHMCS Configurable Options
  3. Cancel existing AddOn in MachPanel for Configurable Options in WHMCS which were previously set to nonzero (0) value but are now set to zero (0)
Note: For case 2 and 3, if an AddOn in MachPanel is sold via WHMCS Addon and same MachPanel AddOn is added as Configurable Options in WHMCS product, then it will have no effect with any change in Configurable Options. It is highly recommended to not use both Configurable Options and WHMCS
AddOns for selling MachPanel AddOns

Note: To update MachPanel addons related to Configurable Options via WHMCS, you have to press Save Changes on WHMCS order detail interface followed by Change Package Server module command.

Type: HOW TO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 9 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote
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