
MachPanel Knowledgebase

INFO:MachPanel Configuration Studio

Rehan Waseem


This article is an illustration showing how to use MachPanel Configuration Studio utility. It will help you carry out initial setup and essential configuration settings as required. Please carefully follow this article to understand the benefits and usage of Configuration Studio.

Applies To:

Applies to v7 and above.

MachPanel Control Server Configuration Studio


  • Home Page will give you information about Application and the version installed.

System Database:

  • This interface will show the SQL database server instance name connected with MachPanel. Database settings can be Updated from this interface and 'Test Connection' with the database can be performed

Control Panel Website:

  • From this interface you can configure your MachPanel Website. For website configuration please review below KB article:

Provider Login/Password:

The credentials for the provider can be updated/reset from this interface.

  • Provider Login: Contains the login (email) you use to authenticate with the MachPanel Control Server as SUPER USER.
  • Provider Password: Contains the password you use to authenticate with the MachPanel Control Server.
  • New Password: Enter the new password if you want to change the existing password that is used for authentication.
  • Confirm Password: Re-enter the new password for confirmation.
  • Change Password: Press this button for change password effect to take place.
  • Session Management: Option to Kill Provider Sessions, Kill All Sessions. Appears if respective section for Session Management is enabled in control panel.

Software Updates:

  • Update can be configured using the below settings

IP Binding:

  • You can bind the IP of your server with MachPanel using the below interface


  • This interface shows the MachPanel services running on this server. You can Stop and Restart the service(s) from this interface

Software Backup:

  • Configuration related to software backup (Control Panel Files and Database backup) can be set from this interface. Also, you can take instant backup by clicking 'Take Backup Now'
  • You can also Configure DB files removal on SQL server.

About MachPanel:

  • This interface show the license term related information about the MachPanel software

MachPanel Remote Server Configuration Studio


  • Home Page will give you information about Application and the version installed.

Remote Server Binding:

  • Using this interface you can bind the IP of your server with MachPanel Remote Server using the below interface. There can be multiple IPs on a server. The IP that is set in binding will be used by the remote server and MachPanel control server will communicate with remote server using port 7860 on this IP.

Remote Service Credentials:

  • This interface will show the user under which MachPanel Provisioning Service is running on this Server. The service can be started/stopped and restart from this interface


  • Update can be configured using the below settings


  • This interface show the license term related information about the MachPanel software

Type: INFO
Level: Beginner
Last Modified: 8 Months Ago
Last Modified By: zohaib.shaikh
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