
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Access Control Configuration - IP Allow/Block List, Login Lockdown Policy & Session Management

Mudesira Munir


This article describes how you can control access to MachPanel.

Applies To

This applies to MachPanel build v 7 & above

Access Control

To allow staff user to access from a specific IPaddresses, navigate to path: Home > System Configuration > Access Control

  1. Block All rule using ‘*’ for staff only.
  2. Allow specific IP addresses rule using comma separated values.

Note: A block rule also needs to be added to block all IP’s as shown below for Staff users, and add one or more Allowed IPs.

IP Allow List:

Under IP Allow List tab click Add Rule.

 Provide rule name and IP address to allow access to panel.

IP Block List:

Similarly you can block an IP, Under IP Block List tab click Add Rule.

 Provide rule name and IP address to block access to panel.

Login Lockdown Policy:

Select enabled checkbox.

When enabled, this policy will lock down accounts on failed attempts to login to control panel. This policy will only be applicable when using Control Panel Authentication. For third party SSO these settings will not apply.

Session Management:

For Session Management you can update setting as below:

As a provider you can view all session, also you can Kill and delete sessions as well.

 Option to "Kill Provider Sessions" and "Kill All Sessions" added in Configuration Studio (accessible from desktop of control panel server directly) as well so that its easier to kill sessions.


Type: HOW TO
Level: Beginner
Last Modified: 3 Months Ago
Last Modified By: zohaib.shaikh
Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote
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