This article provides a summary of Azure App Configuration for Tenant Management in MachPanel.
Applies To
This article applies to MachPanel build version 7.0.41 and above.
Please follow below article first, If you have not reviewed it yet.
Steps Procedure
- You will be asked to fill following details while adding profile which can be captured using below section "Azure App Configuration":
- Create / Register Azure App in Azure Active Directory as depicted.
In Redirect URL give your MachPanel's URL eg. and after that append '/PCC/System/O365Callback.aspx'
Take a Note of Application (Client) ID, need to be filled in MachPanel Configuration Page.
- Generate Self Signed Certificate and Upload to Azure App.
- Create Self signed Certificate
- Run downloaded script as below in shell window.
- .\Create-SelfSignedCertificate.ps1
-CommonName "Cert-Name" -StartDate ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)) -EndDate
((Get-Date).AddDays(-1).AddYears(3)) -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString
-String "P@ssw0rd123#" -AsPlainText -Force)
- Mention your own Cert-Name
- Mention your own password
- Mention duration in number of years
- Upload Certificate to Newly Registered Azure App
- Install/Configure Certificate on Powershell Host Machine (Control Server) in both “My user account” & “Computer account”
Take a Note of Thumbprint, need to be filled in MachPanel Configuration Page.
Take a Note of Value, need to be filled in MachPanel Configuration Page.
- Assign Global Administrator and Exchange Administrator Roles to the App.
Double Click Role Name -> Click Add Assignment -> Search New Created Azure App and Select -> Add
- Assign API Permissions.
- Click on your desired Application, and click the option "Manifest"
- Locate "requiredResourceAccess" and replace as explained in attached "API Permissions.txt".
- Grant Admin Consent as Depicted