
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:How to enable mailbox archiving?

Mudesira Munir


This article provides summary on how to enable mailbox archiving/personal archive via MachPanel interface.

Applies To
Applies to MachPanel v4.3.10 and above.
Personal Archive Database & Settings
Please see below steps details for enabling mailbox archiving for your customers:

STEP-01: Create and choose Personal Archive Database for Customer

  1. Create a separate database for archiving or you can use the same mailbox database for archiving also. If you want to store archive mailboxes on a separate database then you need to create archiving database on your exchange servers (from backend).
  2. Once archiving database is created you need to select the appropriate database in Exchange Databases in MachPanel for archiving as shown in below snapshot:

STEP-02: Specify Personal Archive Quota in Exchange Service Plan

  • Provide the required mailbox and archiving storage in second step of Exchange Service Plan creation as shown in below snapshot:

STEP-03: Enable Personal Archive Settings under Mailboxes tab

  • After creating exchange organization with service plan created you can enable archiving for a mailbox under mailbox properties, Navigate to path: Home >> Service Director >> Exchange Hosting >> Accounts
  • Click Manage in front of an Exchange Account. Select Mailboxes tab.
  • Click on Mailbox user name and select Personal Archive Settings tab as shown below:
  • Select the database and provide warning limits as required. Database selection is shown if you are logged in as provider.

  • If you are logged in as end customer the database selection option is not shown and archiving mailbox will be stored in the database which was selected under server group settings.

You can find more details for better understanding of Archiving on below link:


Type: HOW TO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 2 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
Rated 4 stars based on 4 votes.
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