
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Integrate Skype4B (Lync) Server and its legacy versions with MachPanel



This article describes in detail about integrating Microsoft Skype for Business 2019, Lync 2010, 2013 and Hosting pack for both 2010 & 2013 with MachPanel Control Server.

Applies To

MachPanel build v7 and above

  1. MachPanel Control Server has been installed, if not then follow below KB article:
  2. MachPanel Remote Server has been installed, if not then follow below KB article:
  3. Active Directory information has been added in MachPanel, if not then follow below KB article:

Note: Before moving forward please make sure that MachPanel Control Server and MachPanel Remote Server are on the same build and that MachPanel Provisioning Service is running on both servers.


1) Open MachPanel Control Panel Website (You can do it by opening MachPanel Control Server Configuration Studio and then navigating to Configure >> Control Panel Website, and then clicking on the URL in it). Log in with the provider credentials. Following providers are supported for Skype4B. 

2) Navigate to Home » Service Director » Skype4B Hosting » Server Group. Click on Add Server Group button to add a new Server Group for Skype for Business (Lync).

In Step 1 provide Server Group details. See the snapshot below:

Complete above form by:

  1. Entering friendly name for Server Group
  2. Selecting appropriate Active Directory Domain and Provider (Skype for Business, Lync 2010,Lync 2013, Lync 2010 Hosting Pack or Lync 2013 Hosting Pack). Make sure that the AD user used for provisioning has admin rights on Lync Server (CSAdministrators and RTCUniversalServerAdmins member)
  3. Specifying LDAP URL where hosted organizations and users will be created
  4. Select format for Meet URL creation for hosted organizations (Planning for Simple URLs)

Now click on Next button to proceed. In Step-2 you will see the following options:

Complete the form by following:

  1. Entering Front End pool FQDN. (you can get the pool name by running Get-CSPool on Lync management shell)
  2. Entering Application Server FQDN.
  3. Entering IP of Lync Front End pools.
  4. Entering the FQDN of Persistent Chat server.
  5. Entering the IP(s) of Director Server.
  6. Entering the Access Edge Service FQDN.
  7. Specifying number of Current number of users and Maximum number of users to be created on this server
In Step-3 you can Sync Dialin Conference Access Numbers.

Click on Finish button to add the server.

4) After adding the server, verify that the details provided are correct and MachPanel Control Server is able to communicate with SfB (Lync) Server. To do so click on the newly added Server Group and hit Test Service in front of the desired server:

If you see a success message shown below then you have successfully added Skype for Business (Lync) Server in MachPanel:

Now you can create Service Plan(s) for Microsoft Skype for Business (Lync) or its legacy versions and start selling it to Customers.

Type: HOW TO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: Last Year
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
Rated 5 stars based on 3 votes.
Article has been viewed 37K times.
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