
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Integrate SharePoint With MachPanel



This article describes in detail about integrating Microsoft SharePoint with MachPanel Control Server.

Applies To
Applies to MachPanel v7 and above.

MachPanel Control Server has been installed, if not then follow below KB article:

MachPanel Remote Server on has been installed, if not then follow below KB article:

Active Directory information has been added in MachPanel, if not then follow below KB article:
Also make sure that MachPanel Control Server and MachPanel Remote Server should be on the same build and that MachPanel Provisioning Service is running on both servers.

  • Open MachPanel Control Panel Website (You can do it by opening MachPanel Control Server Configuration Studio and then navigating to Configure > Control Panel Website, and then clicking on the URL in it). Log in with the provider credentials.
  • Following SharePoint Server Version are supported in latest build of MachPanel.

  • Navigate to Home > Service Director > SharePoint Hosting > Server group and then click on Add Server Group. There are two steps in adding SharePoint server in MachPanel.


Integrating SharePoint Server 2019 with MachPanel

  • In Step-1 you will be asked to provide the server group name and LDAP for the OU under which you want all your SharePoint hosting companies to go in Active Directory. Make sure to select the right Active Directory from drop down menu against Active Directory Domain. Also you have to select appropriate SharePoint Provider for e.g. SharePoint 2013 Multitenant,  SharePoint 2016. See the snapshot below:

  • You can use the credentials provided in Active directory or override the active directory domain credentials by checking the option against override domain credentials as shown in below snapshot. Make sure the below two things for the user given for overriding domain credentials:
    • The application pool identity of Web Application in SharePoint server is running under this user as well.
    • This user should be included in the members of domain admins and administrators for operations in Active directory. "Best is to use Farm admin account".

  • In Step-2 you will be asked to provide the SharePoint server details to be added in MachPanel. Please enter the correct server details and its IP and SharePoint web application URL already created in SharePoint server, under 'Server Information'. You can select HTTP or HTTPS from dropdown menu while giving SharePoint Web Application URL.
  • Also do remember that if you are using live IP for SharePoint server then give this live IP against Public IP of SharePoint server.
  • The Host name Entry for newly created site collections will be binded to this live IP.

  • Web Application ID should be same as shown in IIS
  • Select the files you want to block under the file restriction:

  •  Check the send email option as per your requirement under the Confirmation and Auto deletion settings.

  •  Give the correct SMTP server IP and email addresses under Outgoing E-Mail Settings:

Integrating SharePoint Multi-tenant 2010\2013\2016 with MachPanel

In Step-1, Navigate to Home >>Service Director >> SharePoint Hosting >> Server groups and then click on Add Server Group.

  1. Server Group Name:  Any name can be used. (e.g. “SharePoint Hosting”)
  2. Provider:  Select “Microsoft SharePoint 2016 Multi-Tenant”
  3. Active Directory: Select relevant AD domain from dropdown.
  4. LDAP URL: LDAP for the OU under which you want all your hosting companies to go in AD | e.g. “LDAP://OU=Hosting, DC=Domain, DC=Com”
    • In the Step-2 you will be asked to provide the SharePoint server (Multi-tenant Install) details such as Server Type, Reference Id, SharePoint Server(s) IP, Feature Pack Id’s, UPA Proxy Name and MMS Proxy Name etc. See the below snapshot:

    Note: This script creates Feature Packs for each of the SharePoint SKUs for use with Site Subscriptions. (Create only if it does not already exist).

    • "TLS connection Encryption" is also supported for Outgoing Email Settings as shown below:

    • After adding the server group, go to Server group tab and click on 'Test Service' against the newly added service group to verify the connection between MachPanel control and SharePoint Remote server.

    If you receive above message upon 'test service', then you have successfully integrated SharePoint into MachPanel.

    Creating SharePoint products/plan for 2013 Multi-tenant
    Navigate to Home>>Service Plans>>SharePoint Products then click on Add new Product. See the below snapshot…

    • Fill out the remaining fields according to your own requirement and click on Finish. You need to create three Plans:
      1. Foundation
      2. Standard
      3. Enterprise
      Type: HOW TO
      Level: Intermediate
      Last Modified: Last Year
      Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
      Rated 3 stars based on 2 votes.
      Article has been viewed 20K times.
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