
MachPanel Knowledgebase

FAQ:Exchange Mailbox Storage Addon Creation


This article describes in detail about creating a storage addon for exchange mailbox.

Applies To:

MachPanel All Versions


Assume that the exchange package has been made in such a way that mailbox storage is 1GB (1024 MB). Now, you want to increase mailbox storage for 'x' number of mailboxes to 10GB (10,240 MB).  Note that we will specify storage 10GB in add-on as our intent is to give 9GB extra storage. This is becuase storage value will override the package storage value. Common perception is that in this way total storage will be 10+1=11GB, which is wrong.  So if you want to have a mailbox storage to be 10GB where the package plan has storage of 1 GB. You will again enter 10GB in the mailbox storage settings.


  • Go to Home » Service Plans » Exchange, select Add-on Management and click on Add New Add-on button.

  • Type the name for the addon (name it in such a way that you can distinguish what package sells when you are selling it. Like for storage addon, name it as '10 GB Additional Storage'). Select Mailbox Storage from Template field.

  • Follow the snapshots below where a 10GB storage is being created for a mailbox having original storage of 1GB

Note: We have set storage to be 10GB where as our intent was to give 9GB extra storage. This is becuase storage value will override the package storage value. Common perception is that in this way total storage will be 10+1=11GB, which is wrong.
So if you want to have a mailbox storage to be 10GB where the package plan has storage of 1 GB. You will again enter 10GB in the mailbox storage settings.
Move on to the next steps and fill in the price, currency and payment cycles for this addon and then save it.

Selling the Add-on:

  • Go to 'Subscribe Service' for the customer to whom you want to sell the addon
  • Select the appropriate curreny
  • Click on the Add-on icon.

  • Select Package Type to Microsoft Exchange and you will see the Add-ons available for this package. Select the storage addon from the menu. Now put the value of x (the number of mailboxes for which storage is to be increased) in the box against Add-on name.

  • Move to the shopping cart, then click next, then generate transaction ID for this item and then save it.
  • Now this item has been placed in the 'Service Queue'. Go to the queue and hit 'Run' or you can wait for the service queue to run it by itself. Items in the service queue are automatically 'run' within few minutes of their placement in the queue if the provisioning service is running.

Changing the Storage:

This is the final step. Go to the mailbox settings for which you want to increase the storage. Then go to Advanced and enter the new mailbox storage values and save it :

Now after changing the Resources to 10240 MB=10 GB of Mailbox you can see the Resources from  Home » Customer Manager » Subscriptions List » Subscription Detail, Select Resources tab

Type: FAQ
Level: Aadvanced
Last Modified: 8 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
Rated 3 stars based on 2 votes.
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