This article gives information about management of Exchange Mailbox Features via MachPanel interface.
Applies To
Applies to MachPanel v6 and above
Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Features management in MachPanel
Once a mailbox is created in MachPanel you can view and mange all features by clicking on Mailbox name as shown below:

*Note: Outlook profile can also be downloaded from options if mailbox is created on required SPLA/Template.
Viewing User Mailbox properties and Template details
Under General tab you can change display name and templates etc. Also Last login Date Time is also added as new feature in latest build. See the snapshot below:

Further you can manage below User Mailbox features:
- Manage Email Address
- Mail Flow Settings
- Advanced (Storage /SPLA and features of Mailbox)
- Permissions (Send on Behalf, Send As, Full Access)
- Set Password
- Mailbox Database
- Personal Archive Settings
- Unified Messaging
- Automatic Replies
- Distribution List Membership
- Calendar Permissions
- Mobile Devices
- In-Place hold
Group Action for Bulk Operations on Mailboxes:
Under Group Actions in General setting you can for example change Mailbox Templates, Process external meeting messages for room and equipment mailboxes etc.

Room Mailbox:
For room mailbox you can set Booking Request default for new mailbox under Exchange server group settings as shown below:

Adding Email Addresses:
A mailbox can have multiple email addresses or aliases. This allows the mail box
to receive messages that are addressed to any one of these e-mail addresses. Two types of Email aliases can be added:
- Custom
Click on the mailbox name for which you wish to add email address. Select Email Address tab, enter the desired value in Email Address box and click on Add button.
Click on the mailbox name for which you wish set mail forwarding. Click on the
Mail Flow Settings tab and enable the Enable email forwarding checkbox. Enter the address
where mail shall forward in Forward to box and
click Save button.

You can also provide recipients limit and delete item retention in days.
A provider can "Allow to edit custom attributes" to Reseller, Customer, contact, Staff user under access permissions of Exchange

The Restrictions displays following:
Accept Message From: There are two options to select
- All senders: If selected, message will be
accepted from any sender.
- Only senders in the following list: If you
selected, the message will be accepted only from the addresses selected from the
Reject Message From: There are two options to select
- No senders: If selected, message will never be
- senders in the following list: If you
selected, the message will be rejected if coming from the addresses selected
from the list.
Click on Save button when done.
Manage Mailbox Features under Advanced tab:
When a mailbox is first created it inherits the OWA and Service Access (POP/SMTP/IMAP) from the service plan assigned to exchange organization. In some cased you may want to change service features for individual mailboxes. You may do this easily via web interface under Advanced tab.
IMPORTANT: The Advanced tab is visible only for those mailboxes for which Mailbox Templates are NOT in use or only Custom Template is applied.
Manage Permissions:
Under Permissions tab you can manage following permissions:
- Send On Behalf
- Send As
- Full Access
Note: If Exchange provider is 2013 (CU9) or later display checkbox under mailbox permissions, SendOnBehalf /Send As "Message copy for Send On Behalf / Send As enabled" [Checkbox]
Manage Mailbox Databases:
In order to change a mailbox database Select Mailbox Database button and select the desired DB from the drop down list as shown in the snapshot below:
Click on the Personal Archive Settings tab. You will see the following options:
- Enabled: Check it if you want it to enable.
- Personal archive database : Select personal archive database.
- Warning Quota (MB): Provide warning quota in MB or check unlimited.
- Quota (MB): Provide quota in MB or check unlimited.
Then click on Save button.
If you get Error Message Unable to read policies from Exchange Server or customer is not assigned any UM Policy in exchange server group.
Please assign customer Exchange UM Policies, MachPanel will fetch all policies and show you under Exchange UM polices tab. Click on Edit Assignment to assign policies to your Customer/Resellers.

Click on Activate under Unified Messaging tab of the selected Mailbox.

Manage Automatic Replies:
In order to manage Automatic Replies select tab as shown below and select Enable:
- Send replies only during this time period: Select to define time period.
- Send a reply once to each sender inside my organization with the following message: Type your message here.
Send automatic reply messages to senders outside my organization: Select to send
- Send replies only to senders in my Contacts list
- Send replies to all external senders
- Send a reply once to each sender outside my organization with the following message: Type and save your reply.
Manage Distribution List membership:
In order to manage Distribution List membership on a selected mailbox select Distribution List membership tab as shown below:
Manage Journaling:
In order to manage journaling select Journaling tab:
Manage Calendar Permissions:
In order to manage calendar permissions select Calendar Permissions tab and click Add Permissions button as shown below:
- In mailbox details, under calendar permissions tab, Default
& Anonymous groups will also be listed and their permissions can be
- Please note that Default and Anonymous user permissions are set to None by Fix Security Permissions operation.