
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Adding and Managing Distribution Lists

Mudesira Munir


This article provides a summary on adding and management of distribution lists in MachPanel.

Applies To

 This article applies to MachPanel all versions.

Settings for Distribution List

You can set setting for "Require that all senders are authenticated" by navigating Service Director > Exchange Hosting > Accounts > Settings. A provider can check this setting for all organization and also enforce to any organization.

Click on Add/update Organization Setting to enforce setting to single or multiple organization and select desire settings.

Creation of Distribution List

To add a distribution list navigate to the following path: Home » Service Director » Exchange Hosting » Exchange Accounts. Click on the Service Management link and then select Distribution List tab.

Click on Add Distribution List to add a new DL.

  • Type: Select type of the distribution list. It supports Simple Distribution Group, Room Distribution group, Security Group & Dynamic Distribution Group.
  • Display Name: Enter the distribution list name in Display Name Box.
  • Primary Email: Enter primary email address.
  • Select option Require that all senders are authenticated (This setting is enforced by provider i.e. organization administrator is allow to change).
  • Select the list manager from Managed By drop-down list and click Add button. You can add Mailboxes, Contacts and Distribution Groups as List members.

Click on Add Bulk Distribution List button when done. In order to Bulk Delete Distribution lists, you have to select DL's .

  • Primary Email: Enter primary email address.
  • CSV file to import: Browse to select a csv file.

Click on Add Bulk Distribution List button when done.

Adding Member to Distribution List:

Distribution list members receives the email sent to the distribution list. They can also post email message to the list.

To add a distribution list member, select the distribution list for which you wish to add a new member. Click on the List Members tab and select the list member from Mailbox drop-down list. Click the Add button.

Adding New Mail Address:

A distribution list can have multiple email addresses or aliases. This allows the distribution list to receive messages that are addressed to any one of these e-mail addresses.

To add a new email address to a distribution list, click on the distribution list name for which you wish to add email address. Select Email Address tab, enter the name of new mail address in Email Address box and click on Add button.

Two types of Email addresses are supported

  1. SMTP
  2. Custom

Setting Mail Restrictions:

You may define Accept Message From and Restrict Message From settings for the distribution list.

To set restriction to a distribution list, click on the distribution list name for which you wish to set restrictions and select Advanced tab.

The advanced interface displays following:

Accept Message From: There are two options to select from:

  • All senders: If selected, message will be accepted from any sender.

  • Only senders in the following list: If you selected, the message will be accepted only from the addresses selected from the list.

Reject Message From: There are two options to select from:

  • No senders: If selected, message will never be rejected.

  • Senders in the following list: If you selected, the message will be rejected if coming from the addresses selected from the list.

Grant Send As and Send On behalf:

To grant Send As and Send On Behalf to a distribution list member, click on Send As tab and select the list member from Mailbox drop-down list. Click the Grant Send As button. Similarly, lick on Send On Behalf tab and select the list member from Mailbox drop-down list. Click the Save button.

Message Approval:

To grant message approval to the mailboxes, a new tab for message approval has been added. If Enable/Disable checkbox on top is unchecked, all below settings are hidden.

Group Actions for Bulk Distribution List

Now you can perform various Group operation for bulk distribution lists.

Click on Plus sign to expand and select required group operation on distribution Lists.

  1. General Settings
    1. Hide from Exchange Address Lists: Checkbox
    2. Send out-of-office message to originator: Checkbox
    3. Delivery reports
      1. Send delivery reports to group manager
      2. Send delivery reports to message originator
      3. Do not send delivery reports
    4. Limits
      1. *Maximum receiving message size (MB):
    5. Membership Approval
      1. Member Join Restriction:
      2. Member Leave Restriction:
  2. Restrictions
    1. Require that all senders are authenticated:
    2. Accept message from:
      1. All senders
      2. Only senders in the following list
    3. Reject message from:
      1. No Senders
      2. Senders in the following list.
  3. Managed By
    1. Managed by (Dynamics and other DL.)
  4. Add List Members
  5. Remove List Members
  6. Grant Permissions
    1. Send As
    2. Send On Behalf
  7. Remove Permissions
  8. Message Approval
    1. Group Moderators:
    2. Senders who don't require message approval
    3. Select moderation notifications

Type: HOW TO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: Last Year
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
Rated 4 stars based on 3 votes.
Article has been viewed 19K times.
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