
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Creating Domain Name Products/Setting up TLD's

Mudesira Munir


This article provide summary on how to create domain name products/set up TLD's.

Applies To

This article applies to all build version of MachPanel

Domain Name Products/Setting up TLD's:

You can add as many TLDs (Top Level Domains) to the system as you need. You assign TLDs to     appropriate domain registration supported by the system.

Note: If you assign TLD to invalid registrar the system will not be able to register the TLD. For example, you shouldn't assign .COM TLD to Nominet (.uk) since it cannot handle .COM TLD.

Create TLDs

To create TLD, navigate to following path: Home >> Service Plans >> Domain Name Products

Click Add New TLD button.

When the page loads, you will see the following settings.

You can select any of the Domain Registrar from the drop down list.

  1. DirectI (Logic Boxes)                 
  2. DK Hostmaster Registry                        
  3. Enom   
  4. Offline Domain Registrar                      
  5. OpenSRS                      
  7. RRPproxy                     
  8. RRPproxy EPP              
  9. SIDN EPP                      
  10. Stargate                       
  11. TransIP

  1. Extension: Enter TLD name here. For example, for .DK TLD you will enter "DK" in this box.
  2. Registrar: Select the Registrar provider who handles this TLD. You may activate registrar providers from System Configuration » Providers » Domain Registrars.
  3. Active: Uncheck if you want to disable this product selling.
  4. Is Transferable: If this is checked then client can place transfer orders for this TLD on store front.
  5. Minimum Term: This is minimum period this TLD can be registered e.g. for .uk minimum period is 2 years.
  6. Remote Lock: Check this option if registrar locking for TLD is supported.  
  7. Enabled for Commission based Resellers: Check box and select resellers.

Once you click the Next button you will be present with series of forms to configure your product.

Payment Cycles: This form lets you select Payment Cycles for the TLD. You must select at least one payment cycle and payment group. Select the payment cycle and click right arrow button to move it to Selected Cycles list. Select the payment group and click right arrow button to move it to Selected Payment Groups list.

Price Group: This form lets you set prices for the Payment Cycles and Payment Groups you have selected in the previous step. Here you may set:

  1. Setup Price
  2. Price
  3. Discount
  4. Renewal Price
  5. Transfer Price

Enter prices in each box.

Associate Addon: This form lets you associate addon with your domain name. Your client may buy these addon using online store or order them through their customer control center.

Click Finish button to complete product setup.

Type: HOW TO
Level: Beginner
Last Modified: 2 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
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