This article provides information on new feature / enhancement Setting of MAPIhttpEnabled added in mailbox features.
Applies To
It applies to MachPanel build v7.2.20.
Enable Mapi Over HTTP on your Exchange Server
- Exchange Organization Configuration
Set-OrganizationConfig -MapiHttpEnabled $true
- Virtual Directory Configuration
- Test Mapi over HTTP Connections
Test-OutlookConnectivity -RunFromServerId ExSrv -ProbeIdentity OutlookMapiHttpSelfTestProbe
Settings on MachPanel
When the MAPIhttpEnabled setting is enabled, it means that Outlook clients will use the MAPIHTTP protocol for connecting to Exchange Server. You can find this setting under Exchange Products.
- Navigate to the path: Home > Service Plans > Exchange
- Create or Edit new Service plan, Select Resources tab.
- Check MAPI access allowed on.
- RPC over HTTP
- MAPI over HTTP
To set initial value of the above feature for existing mailboxes following script can be used, replace highlighted as below:
- 0 = Not Allowed,
- 1 = Allowed
Update HB_tblExchangeMailboxDetail Set MAPIOverHTTPs ='0'
Update HB_tblExchangeMailBoxTemplates Set MAPIOverHTTPs ='0'
Update HB_tblSyncExMailbox Set MAPIOverHTTPs ='0'
Update HB_tblExchangeMailboxDetail Set RPCOverHTTP ='0'
Update HB_tblExchangeMailBoxTemplates Set RPCOverHTTP ='0'
Update HB_tblSyncExMailbox Set RPCOverHTTP ='0'
Enabling / Disabling MAPIHTTP:
Enabling or disabling MAPIHTTP can be a configuration choice made by Exchange administrators based on factors such as server and client versions, network environment, and security considerations.
To set value on Exchange Server, following PS script can be used:
- $false = Not Allowed,
- $true = Allowed
Get-CASMailbox -resultsize unlimited | Set-CASMailbox -MAPIHTTPEnabled $false
Get-CASMailbox -resultsize unlimited | Set-CASMailbox -MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp $false
Enabling / Disabling MAPI over HTTP & RPC over HTTP on Existing Plan/Subscription/ Addons:
RPC Over HTTP Allowed (MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp) initial value in existing Package/Addon/Sold Package/Sold Addon
Declare @ResourceId int
Set @ResourceId = (Select ResourceId from HB_tblResources where ResourceInternalID='1354' and CompanyId='1')
Declare @Allowed bit
--To set MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp to false:
Set @Allowed='1'
--To set MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp to true:, uncomment below line:
--Set @Allowed='0'
Update HB_tblPackagesDetail Set ResourceQuantity = @Allowed
Where ResourceID=@ResourceId
Update HB_tblPackagesSoldDetail Set ResourceQuantity = @Allowed
Where ResourceID=@ResourceId
Update HB_tblAddonTypeDetail Set ResourceQuantity = @Allowed
Where ResourceID=@ResourceId
Update HB_tblAddonsSoldDetail Set ResourceQuantity = @Allowed
Where ResourceID=@ResourceId
MAPI Over HTTP Allowed (MapihttpEnabled) initial value in existing Package/Addon/Sold Package/Sold Addon
Set @ResourceId = (Select ResourceId from HB_tblResources where ResourceInternalID='1355' and CompanyId='1')
--To set MapihttpEnabled to false:
Set @Allowed='0'
--To set MapihttpEnabled to true:, uncomment below line:
--Set @Allowed='1'
Update HB_tblPackagesDetail Set ResourceQuantity = @Allowed
Where ResourceID=@ResourceId
Update HB_tblPackagesSoldDetail Set ResourceQuantity = @Allowed
Where ResourceID=@ResourceId
Update HB_tblAddonTypeDetail Set ResourceQuantity = @Allowed
Where ResourceID=@ResourceId
Update HB_tblAddonsSoldDetail Set ResourceQuantity = @Allowed
Where ResourceID=@ResourceId