This article provides a summary of per-requisites and powerhell module required for CSP management in MachPanel
Applies To
This article applies to MachPanel build version 7.0.41 and above.
For MachPanel to interact with Microsoft CSP / Office 365, there are
multiple PowerShell modules required to be installed on MachPanel
control server. Apart from PowerShell modules installation, there are
other configuration steps involved and host machine environment
requirements to complete and these are as follows.
1 - Dot Net Framework 4.6.2
Microsoft Dot Net Framework 4.6.2 or above shall be installed on host
machine (In most cases it will be already installed on control server).
2 - Set Execution Policy
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Required Module and Version
16.0.22601.12000 |
3 - Powershell Modules and their Configuration/Installation
- PowerShell Module
- Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force
- NuGet Package Provider
- Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force
- PartnerCenter Module
- Install-Module -Name PartnerCenter -RequiredVersion 3.0.10 -Force

ExchangeOnlineManegement Module
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -RequiredVersion 3.0.0 -Force

Microsoft.Graph Module
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -RequiredVersion 1.10.0 -Force

Please note that If the child of Microsoft Graph module are not on version 1.10.0 or 1.15.0 then use below command to uninstall existing and install the required version:
Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph.* | %{ if(($_.Name -ne "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication") -and ($_.Name -ne "Microsoft.Graph")){ Uninstall-Module $_.Name -AllowPrerelease -AllVersions -Force } }
Uninstall-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -AllowPrerelease -AllVersions
- Install
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Applications -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Bookings -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Calendar -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.ChangeNotifications -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.CloudCommunications -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Compliance -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.CrossDeviceExperiences -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement.Actions -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement.Administration -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement.Enrolment -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement.Functions -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Devices.CloudPrint -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Devices.CorporateManagement -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Devices.ServiceAnnouncement -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.DirectoryObjects -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Education -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Files -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Financials -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Governance -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Mail -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Notes -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.People -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.PersonalContacts -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Planner -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Reports -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.SchemaExtensions -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Search -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Security -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Sites -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Teams -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Users -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Users.Actions -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Users.Functions -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.WindowsUpdates -requiredversion 1.15.0 -Force
- MicrosoftOnlineSharepoint Module
- Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -RequiredVersion 16.0.22601.12000 -Force

- MicrosoftTeams Module
- Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 4.8.0 -Force

- MachPanel O365 Service Installation
- To communicate with Microsoft Office 365 a windows service is built that will operate as a bridge between MachPanel and Microsoft Office 365. To install the service please locate “o365install.bat” file inside “C:\Program Files\MachSol\MachPanel Control Server\Apps\O365\Installers” directory.
- RUN this file via Windows Shell with administrator privileges or simply right click and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.
After installation restart "O365 Service" once.