
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:How to add Calendar permissions in Exchange account & Mailbox?

Mudesira Munir


This article provides a summary on how to add Calendar permissions in Exchange account & Mailbox.

Applies To

This article applies to MachPanel all versions.

Calendar Permissions to Exchange Account:

You can manage calendar permissions from following path: Home >> Service Director >> Exchange Hosting >> Account. Click Manage in front of Exchange Account.

Now select Calendar Permissions tab. 

Select permission level for default SG and provide custom permissions.

  1. Anonymous: Select permission level for e.g. None, Availabilty Only, contributor, Editor, Owner, Reviewer etc.

  2. Default: Select default permission level for SG groups.

  3. testcompany Exchange SG: Select SG Group.

Custom Permissions: It will show the Custom permissions that has been added to Groups already.

To add permissions provide below and click Add.

  1. Select Group  

  2. Permission: Select Permission

Click Save when done or click Save and Apply on all mailboxes.

Calendar Permission For Mailbox users:


  1. Click on Manage and then select Mailboxes tab. Select mailboxes for which you wish to enable and manage calendar permissions.

  2. Then select Calendar Permissions.

  3. To add new permission, click Add Permissions as shown below.


  1. Member: Select member/mailbox
  2. Permission Level: Select Permissions.
    1. Create Items
    2. Folder Owner
    3. Read Items
    4. Folder Contact
    5. Create SubFolders
    6. Folder Visible
    7. Edit Own
    8. Delete Own
    9. Edit All
    10. Delete All




Click Save when done.



Type: HOW TO
Level: Beginner
Last Modified: Last Year
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
Rated 1 star based on 1 vote
Article has been viewed 2.2K times.
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