
MachPanel Knowledgebase

INFO:Shared Hosting - DNS Only Hosting



This articles describes in detail about the Integration of DNS Only Hosting (Shared/Web Hosting) and DNS Only Subscriptions and Management.

Applies To

This article applies to MachPanel v6 and above.

  1. MachPanel Control Server has been installed, if not then follow below KB article:
  2. MachPanel Remote Server has been installed, if not then follow below KB article:

STEP-1: Integrating DNS Service with MachPanel Web Hosting:

  • Open MachPanel Control Panel Website (You can do it by opening MachPanel Control Server Configuration Studio and then navigating to Configure > Control Panel Website, and then clicking on the URL in it). Log in with the provider credentials.
  • Add Web Hosting server Group if not added already. Navigate to Home > Service Director > Web Hosting > Server group and then click on Add Server Group, as we added here in the following Snapshot (e.g: DNS only). For more details click Add Web Hosting Server Group


  • Now click on Server Group Name, new tab "Web Hosting Servers" will open and you will also see Services in options column.


  • Click Services in the options menu against the desired server then click on Add Service button.


  • To add DNS Service to your Hostmatic/Web server, select DNS from the drop down list.


  • Now, select Provider for the DNS service and provide necessary details such as DNS Settings and Name server for this DNS. Click Save when done, See the snapshot below:


  • In the Server Settings, by selecting Provider as Microsoft DNS, you have the following window as shown below.


  • In the Server Settings, by selecting Provider as Simple DNS Plus, you have the following options to fill as shown below.


  • In the Server Settings, by selecting Provider as Power DNS, you have the following options to fill as shown below.


  • Hit Test Service for each service and if you get Successful message in Green then integration of that service is successful.
STEP-2: Creating DNS Only Product/Package:
  • To add a DNS Only - Shared Hosting Product navigate to path: Home >> Service Plans >>Hosting Products. Select Customer Product Listing tab for Customer plan.
  • Click Add New Product button as shown below:


  • Now provide basic details such as Server Group, Product name and select Package Type DNS Only.


  • Under Resources tab, Provide the following field.
  • Maximum DNS Zones.


  • Select Payment Cycles and Payment Groups and click Next.
  • Add Price Group and click Next.
  • Associate Add-on (if any) and then Finish to create the Package.
STEP-3: Provisioning and Selling of DNS Only - Shared Hosting Plan:
  • In this step you have to sell and provision the DNS Only Plan to the customer. Select Shared Hosting under "Service".


  • Select the DNS Only Plan under "Package".


Please review the following KB article for more details on selling and provisioning of services:

STEP-4: Management of DNS Only Subscriptions:
  • Navigate to following path to manage DNS Only Subscription:  Home >> Service Director >> Web Hosting >> Hosting Accounts
  • Select DNS Only Subscription and Press Manage tab as shown below:


  •  By pressing Manage you have the following options as written below:
  1. Manage
  2. Generate Renewal Invoice
  3. Cancel Subscription
  4. Upgrade
  5. Downgrade
  6. Put on Hold


  • Select Resources to get the Edit Resources tab as shown below.


  • By pressing the Edit Resources, you have the following window as shown below.


  • Now by pressing DNS Zones you have the following tabs.
  1. Create DNS Zones
  2. Import DNS Zones


  • Now you can also Manage, Remove and Create Reverse Lookup of your DNS zone.


  • By pressing Manage you can manage DNS RecordSOA Record and Add DNS Record as shown below.


  • By pressing on SOA record you have the following window as shown below.


  • Now you can save your updated SOA Record as shown below.


Type: INFO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 2 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
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