
MachPanel Knowledgebase

INFO:How MachPanel Helpdesk Ticket works?

Mudesira Munir


This article describes how MachPanel helpdesk generate and parse tickets.

Applies To
This article applies to all MachPanel builds.
Email Parser Or IMAP Account:
Email Parser is a built-in feature which retrieves emails from IMAP accounts and generates tickets from them. For example, if you have a email address you may configure it in email parser so that whenever an email is received at this address a ticket is automatically generated for an existing customer account.
  • To create a IMAP account, navigate to the following path: Home » Help Desk » Settings » Email Parser » IMAP Accounts
  • Click on Add IMAP Account button and provide the information of the IMAP account from where you want to retrieve and generate tickets.

  • Email Address: Specify email address of the account from where emails are to be retrieved.

  • IMAP Server: Enter designated IMAP server.

  • Port: Mention appropriate port. Default IMAP port is 110.

  • User name: Enter user name. This is usually same as the email address of target account.

  • Password: Specify password corresponding to user name.

  • Confirm password: Re-type password for confirmation.

Processing rules
You may configure Processing Rules for each IMAP account. Processing rules tell Control Panel what should be done with the email. For example:
  • Create a processing rule to assign tickets to Support Department if TO line is

  • Create a processing rule to delete the email if subject line includes "[Spam]". Click Create New Rule

Challenge Response 

Challenge Response is a feature that prevents SPAM emails from reaching the Help Desk.

How it works?

Whenever email is received in a department the sender email ID is matched against the control panel database. If it is found in the database as a valid user, ticket is generated and placed in the system. But if email address is not found in the control panel database, then a Challenge-Response email is automatically sent to the sender email address with URL link to visit. If URL is visited then sender is confirmed and added to control panel database. This sender never receives challenge-response email again.

Type: INFO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 6 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote
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