
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:MachPanel Database automatic failover using MSSQL mirroring

Zohaib Shaikh


This article tells you how to set database mirroring in connection string for MachPanel Control Panel. 

Applies To

MachPanel all versions


MSSQL mirroring with automatic failover is a feature of SQL but of MachPanel. So after configuring mirroring you will have to inform MachPanel about failover server. You will do this by inserting a value in connection string.

You can open connection string by typing ‘regedit’ in RUN and then going to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES >> SOFTWARES >> MachSol >> MachPanel >> Connection String:

The default connection string is: Data Source=.\machpanelsql2005;Initial Catalog=MachPanel_Db;User ID=MachPanel_Db;Password=D4006127e$;

You will have to modify above string to add Failover Server name after the principal server:

Data Source=.\machpanelsql2005;Failover Partner=;Initial Catalog=MachPanel_Db;User ID=MachPanel_Db;Password=D4006127e$;

For example you have second SQL server SQL2 then connection string would be:

Data Source=.\machpanelsql2005;Failover Partner=sql2;Initial Catalog=MachPanel_Db;User ID=MachPanel_Db;Password=D4006127e$;

Note: Please note that we can perform SQL Mirroring configuration for you under professional services, let us know if you are interested.

Type: HOW TO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 13 Years Ago
Last Modified By: abdullah.afaq
Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote
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