
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:PayPal Integration


This document describes how to configure PayPal with MachPanel

Applies To
MachPanel all versions


Step 1: Browse PayPal site

IMPORTANT: You’ll need to create an API username for PayPal, which is different from your PayPal username. Give the API username, password, and signature in the settings below. Follow these steps:
1. Log in to your PayPal Business account.
2. Click My Account.
3. Click Profile.
4. Under Account Information, click API Access.
5. Click Request API Credentials.
6. Click API Signature.
7. Click the Agree checkbox.
8. Click Submit.
Step 2: Configure PayPal as your payment gateway
To configure PayPal as your payment gateway, follow this:
1. Navigate to Home » System Configuration » Providers » Payment Gateways
2. Click on the Configure link and follow the instructions below:
Provider: Shows the name of provider you are configuring (Not editable).
Enabled: Select NO only if you want to disable the payment gateway. This will prevent system from charging bills through this gateway.
Enable Test Mode: Select YES if you want to perform test transaction. No credit card is charged in this case, so be careful.
API User Name: Enter your PayPal API username.
API Password: PayPal API password.
API Signature: Enter your PayPal signature.
API URL: Defaults to Leave it same.
Note: Please be careful, as the test mode and real mode API URLs and credentials (username and password) are different. So beware of the mode (test or real) and the credentials that you use.
Type: HOW TO
Level: Beginner
Last Modified: 5 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Zeeshan Masood
Rated 4 stars based on 2 votes.
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