
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Configure Mimecast in MachPanel

Mudesira Munir


This article provides a summary for Mimecast configuration and management from MachPanel interface.

Applies To
This article applies to MachPanel build v6.0.20 HF1 or later.
Mimecast Configuration

Mimecast is a cybersecurity and cloud-based email management solution that provides services such as email security, archiving, continuity, and risk management. It is designed to help organizations protect their email communication, ensure data integrity, and mitigate the risks associated with email-based threats.
Integrating Mimecast with hosting services enhances email security, provides advanced threat protection, ensures compliance, and improves overall email management. This can result in a more robust and secure email infrastructure for both hosting providers and their customers.

  • Mimecast is only available to provider. By Default, this module will be unchecked.
  • To enable Mimecast navigate to following path: Home > System Configuration > Built-in Modules

To manage Mimecast accounts via MachPanel navigate to Path: Home > Service Director > Mimecast. There are 2 sub menus in Mimecast menu.
    1. API Settings
    2. Accounts
      1. API Settings:
      1. Here provider needs to provide API settings information obtained from Mimecast under tab MimeCast API Settings
      2. API setting in only available to provider super admin users.

      Technical Contact:

        There is a Technical Contact tab in Mimecast API setting interface. In technical contacts provider can add contacts which he can use further in creating mimecast accounts. A mimecast account creation form needs a technical contact, which is filled through these technical contacts.

        2. Accounts:

        There is a Mimecast account listing interface which will list all the accounts created through MachPanel Mimecast account creation interface.

        • Click Create Account to create a new Mimecast account. If you get any error, review this:
        • Provider can also Edit and Delete accounts from Options column.
        • There is an Export option for accounts as well, and provider can export a list of accounts to Excel file.

        • Account will be created on mimecast and will also be saved in DB. When an account is created successfully on Mimecast, AccountCode is returned from Mimecast.
        • During account creation, you need to give profile information. You can assign products of mimecast to account and need to assign a technical contact and also can provide umbrella accounts.

        • Select Products and umberlla accounts.

        • Select technical contact and Save configuration.

        Type: HOW TO
        Level: Intermediate
        Last Modified: 2 Years Ago
        Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
        Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote
        Article has been viewed 12K times.
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