This article provides step by step guide on how to Activate License for MachSync Utility.
Applies To
This article applies to MachSync v1.0
Before you can activate MachSync License, you need to download and install MachSync v1.0. Please review below KB:
MachSync Installation Guide
MachSync License Activation
Before License Activation
Once MachSync is installed then default dashboard page will appear.

You will not be allowed to navigate to Templates and Profiles sections.

Steps to activate license
You can either purchase license or request a trial.
If you click on "YES" new page will open in browser with MachSol Website and allow you to go for "Try Now" or "Buy Now" options.
If you click on "Try Now", you will be taken to Sign-In page where you have to sing-in using your registered account (Email/Password and PIN):

You will be taken to License Generation Page to get a trial license:

Copy the license information "Installation ID" and "Machine ID" from MachSync License page:

This will generate your Trial License Key:

Press the "Copy to Clipboard" button and the License key will get copied:

On the MachSync utility, under License section, click the "Update" button and paste the License Key:

Click on Apply and your Trial License gets applied:
Now you can continue and access the blocked items:

The next step after the installation and license activation is the configuration of MachSync using below KB article:
MachSync Configuration Guide