
MachPanel Knowledgebase

INFO:VPS Hosting Inventory & Monitoring

Mudesira Munir


This article is about tracking your VPS Inventory, monitoring via MachPanel all in one feature set Dashboard View.

Applies To

This article applies to MachPanel all versions.

MachPanel VPS Module DashBoard View 

MachPanel VPS Module Dashboard View offers complete Inventory details of your deployed Hyper-v topologies and its monitoring. This document is intended to elaborate and illustrate features Set MachPanel Hyper-v Module offer via its Dashboard View.

VPS Hosting Summary Tab


Server Group level resources Comparison Analytics

  1. Select Server Group to view details.
  2. Memory Usage
  3. Disk Usage
  4. Processor Usage

Server resources Analytics

  1. Select Server to see its details
  2. Memory Usage
  3. Disk Usage
  4. Processor Usage

Inventory helps you keep the record of your hypervisors and bare metal from single interface. You can view the type of VM, clustered or standalone and it keeps record of the OS, Number of VM residing/running, Off, memory allocated, memory consumed and virtual processor allocated to each server with their NetBIOS name.

  1. Bare Metal Inventory
  2. Hypervisor Inventory

Under Monitoring tab you can view following:

  • Storage: You can view storage of each server. It displays drive, volume size, total free space for each node. You can also view history for each hyper-v node.


  • CPU & Memory: You can view and update the CPU usage and memory in percentage for each server.


  • Services: You can View and Update services running on each node.


  • Event Logs: Click Get Logs to get latest logs from the server.
  • Hypervisor: You can view details for hypervisor.


Type: INFO
Level: Beginner
Last Modified: 2 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
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