
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Integration of Work Folders Hosting Module

Mudesira Munir


This article provides summary on how to integrate Work Folders Hosting Module.

Applies To

MachPanel build version 6.1.30 and later.

Integration of Work Folders Hosting Module

Work folders hosting module is a powerful tool for file sharing and storage. To offer this product via MachPanel, 1st provider needs to enable it from built-in modules.

Server Group​

A server group may have multiple servers in it. Server Groups support following operations: Add Group Member, Disable, Edit, Remove, Sync Quota Templates.

  • Add Group Member lets you add another member to Server Group.
  • Disable allows you to disable the server group.
  • Edit lets you edit the server group settings.
  • Remove lets you remove the server group (if it is not in use\referenced in any product\service plan).
  • Sync Quota Templates will sync all “File Storage Quota Templates” from all servers added under this server group to database. These can be latest used in add\edit work folders.

Step-1: Add Server Group​

To integrate Work Folders Module, first step is to add server group for this module.

  • Go to following path: Home > Service Director > Work Folders Hosting.
  • Click Add Server Group to add a new group as shown below:

In Step-1, type in Server Group Name, then select the provider for Work Folders hosting.

  • Two different type of server groups can be added based on Storage Configuration:
    • Stand Alone
    • Clustered

a). Stand Alone: If a server is being added under Standalone the Storage Location section appear in Step-2.

b). Clustered: If a server is being added under Clustered server group there will be no “Storage Locations” section.

Add Storage Location by clicking Add New Storage Location as shown in below snapshot. Storage locations are pre-defined under server group or server under which work folders are hosted for clients.

  1. In Clustered type server group these storage locations are added\managed at server group level.
  2. In Stand Alone type server group these storage locations are added\managed at server level.

  • Click Add to Add Storage location an then click Next to proceed to Step-2.

Step-2: Add Server under Server Group

A server can be added in Standalone or Clustered mode based on what is set in server group.

(Standalone with Storage location)

MachPanel expects following inputs for Standalone mode.

  • New Work Folder is created on a server and storage group which is least used. On the basis of used space by work folders and number of folders created on the server.
  • Public URL field is mandatory, this will be shown to end user so that they can use it to access work folder.

(Clustered with no Storage location)

MachPanel expects following inputs for Clustered mode.

  • Public URL field is mandatory, this will be shown to end user so that they can use it to access work folder.
  • Click Finish to complete the integration.

Once the server gets added, it has following supported operations: Test Service, Sync Quota Templates, Disable, Edit, Remove

  • Test Service lets you test connectivity with Work Folder Server.
  • Sync Quota Templates will sync all “File Storage Quota Templates” from this servers to database. These can be later used in add\edit work folders.
  • Disable allows you to disable the server.
  • Edit lets you edit the server settings.
  • Remove lets you remove the server. ​


Create Work Folders Hosting Products \ Service Plans

After creating server group and adding server(s) to it, next step is to create Work Folders Hosting Products \ Service Plan.

All common operations are supported in work folders products\service plans as well. For Example, Add new plan, Clone, Edit, Activate, De-Activate and Remove. Plan in use cannot be removed, Add new plan steps and inputs are almost same as other plans.

  1. Plan upgrade or downgrade is not supported.
  2. Managed and Un-managed Add-ons can be offered.
  3. Any number of work folders can be created in hosting, until storage quota space is available.
  4. Work folders resources in Plan\Add-ons the way that plans may have unlimited quota but add-ons can’t have unlimited quota.


Type: HOW TO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 4 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Zeeshan Masood
Rated 2 stars based on 1 vote
Article has been viewed 3.9K times.
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