
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Enable\Disable Temporary URL in Web Hosting

Mudesira Munir


This article provide a summary to Setup a "Temporary url" that can be used for new customers while purchasing a Web Hosting product.

Applies To

This article applies to MachPanel all build versions.


To Setup a "Temporary url" that can be used for new customers when purchased a Web Hosting product, but the domain is not yet pointing to hosting provider’s name servers.

Steps to Configure Temporary URL:

  • Please navigate to the path: Home » Service Director » Web Hosting » Server Groups, Click on the name of Server Group as shown in the snapshot below:

  • Click on the Services option against your Hostmatic\Web server.

  • Please click on Edit against the IIS Service as shown below:

  • Check Enable Temporary URL option, You can create website in IIS or use an existing site which you want to use as temporary URL and give Its ID against Temporary URL Website ID and its Name against Temporary URL Website Name as shown in snapshot below and click on Save button.

This will Configure Temporary URL for the customers that will subscribe to the WebHosting.

Steps to Enable\Disable Temporary URL:
  • If you want to "Enable\Disable" Temporary URL once the Domain has been registered then please navigate to the path: Home » Service Director » Web Hosting » Hosting Accounts and click on Manage against the Domain for which you want to enable\disable the Temporary URL.

  • Now click on Temporary URL option. Please review snapshots below for reference:

In order to Disable Temporary URL.

Scenario:  If Customer already has some sites before configuring this option and they need to Enable temporary URL on any site afterwards.

Type: HOW TO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 8 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
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