This article provides a summary for enabling extensive logging for MachPanel on Control and Remote servers.
This article applies to MachPanel build v5.6.30 and above.
Login to MachPanel Web interface and navigate to following path:
Home » System Configuration » Logging
- Login to Control Server and navigate to the following path:Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > MachSol > MachPanel.
- You can enable extensive logging by adding a String in registry called
“LoggingEnabled” and set it to “True” as shown in snapshot below:
3. Similarly for Remote servers, navigate to the path:
Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > MachSol > MachPanel and add string as mentioned above.
By enabling "Extensive logging" on Control and Remote servers, it will generate logs for each step involved in a particular operation, such as create an AD user or create mailbox etc. Extensive logging is enabled for some of the critical operations and/or operations that have multiple steps and perform multiple operations on backend as well as on database.
Note: This extensive logging is NOT implemented for each and every operation.
Below are the list of files which are generated in
Logs folder when extensive
logging is enabled.
- Control:
- ADSyncExceptions_
- CRM_SyncFromBackend_
- CallRatesProcessing_
- Exchange_
- LyncCallRecordProcessing_
- LyncDialPlanSyncing_
- SharePoint_SyncFromBackend_
- TransactionLogs_ (for Billing)
- UsageReportScheduleHandler_
- Remote:
- ADExceptions_
- CRM2011_
- Exchange_
- Lync_
- SharePoint2010_
- VPS_