
MachPanel Knowledgebase

INFO:Pre Integration Tasks for BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0


This article describes Pre-Integration tasks which needs to be performed for BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0

Pre-Integration Tasks:

1) Go to exchange server for which you want to enable wireless services and open Exchange Shell. Run this command to create a new Global Address List: New-GlobalAddresslist "BES Global Address List" -IncludedRecipients allrecipients

2) Now edit security permissions for BES Global Address List. Open ADSI Edit on the exchange server. Right click on ADSI Edit and click 'connect'. Connect to Naming Context-> Configuration :

Now navigate to the path shown in the below snapshot:

Right click on CN=BES Global Address List and open its properties. Go to the security tab. Click on 'Authenticated Users' and uncheck all the permissions. Now click on 'Add User' to add the blackberry user which you had created for the installation of Blackberry Enterprise Server. Now check 'Read' and 'Open address list' permissions for this user. Also change 'Apply to' for this user to 'This object and all descendant objects'. Click Apply and then OK.

3) Download and install BlackBerry Administration Toolkit.

4) Create besadmin user from BlackBerry Administration Service. For this open BAS and log in with the account which you created for BlackBerry installation. Under 'BlackBerry solution management', click on 'Create an administrator user'. Set display and username: besadmin, Authentication type: BlackBerry Administration Service, role: Enterprise Administrator and its password (for example: Passw0rd). After the user has been created log off and then log in again with the newly created user to confirm the user creation and credentials.

5) Open BlackBerry Administration User toolkit and run this command: besuseradminclient -set_client_auth besadmin -set_p Passw0rd

In the above command you have to give the password you set when creating besadmin user from BAS(I set the password for besadmin to Passw0rd)

6) Finally, update GAL by running this command in Exchange Shell :Update-GlobalAddressList "BES Global Address List"

You are now ready to integrate BlackBerry with MachPanel
Type: INFO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 5 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Zeeshan Masood
Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote
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