This article provides help on configuring Email Delivery options and how to customize email templates that are sent to the customers.
Applies To
MachPanel all versions
How To Configure Email Delivery Options?
ERR MSG: Error In Sending Mail. Details: Mailbox Unavailable. The Server Response Was 5.7.1. Client Does Not Has Permission To Send As This Sender
To configure automatic emailing feature in MachPanel you need to provide SMTP information. In Microsoft Exchange based email environment, follow these steps:
- Create an Exchange mailbox for SMTP authorization. For example,
- Go to Home » System Configuration » Emails Configuration » Email Delivery Settings. See snapshot below:
- Enter Internal/external IP of Edge/HUB server in SMTP server field.
- Enter 25 in port number field. Enter 995 in port number field if it is being protected.
- Turn on SMTP server requires authentication.
- Enter in SMTP user name field and provide its password.
IMPORTANT: You should ensure that can send email as your sales/support account. For example, if your support account is and you want to send emails using then it should have Send As permission on account.
To set Send As permission:
- Start the Exchange Management Console.
In the console tree, click Recipient Configuration.
In the result pane, select the mailbox ( in our example) for which you want to grant the Send As permission.
In the action pane, under the mailbox name, click Manage Send As Permission. The Manage Send As Permission wizard opens.
On the Manage Send As Permission page, click Add.
In Select User or Group, select the user ( in our example) to which you want to grant the Send As permission, and then click OK.
Click Manage.
On the Completion page, the Summary states
whether the Send As permission was successfully granted. The summary
also displays the Exchange Management Shell command that was used to
grant the Send As permission.
Click Finish.
After this you need to verify emailing works. To do this, Click Send Test Email button.

Configuration of Email Delivery for Gmail SMTP
- Sign in to your Google Account
- Visit Google Account Security Page
- On the Search Bar, type 'app password' and then from drop down click 'App Passwords'
- Create an App Password (Give the App Name and then click Create)

- Copy the password
- Set Email Delivery Settings as below

*Note: Ensure that outbound traffic on port 587 is allowed
Specify Email address for Email Templates:
Go to Home » System Configuration » Emails Configuration » Email Templates and specify the ‘to’ and ‘from’ email addresses along with relevant fields.
Customize your email Templates:
The emails that are sent out to your customers can be fully customized. Before customizing templates, understand the following concept.
- To setup email templates navigate to the path: Home >> System Configuration >> Email Configuration >> Email Templates
- Click Edit Template link for the template you wish to customize. See the snapshot below:

The edit template screen shows following:

- Runtime Variables: Runtime variables are set of variables which you can use in the email template. These variables are replaced with actual value at the time of email generation. Runtime variables are great for fully customizing your emails.
Example: If you insert %companyName% variable in an email template it will be replaced with "Your Company Name" when the email is actually sent out to the customer.
When customizing email template, you will notice 3 types of runtime variables available.
- Company Variable: These are set of company related variables.
- Customer Variables: These are set of customer related variables.
- Group Variables: These are specific to email group you are editing. For example, when editing Package Information Group emails you will see variables like %packageName%, %subscriptionID% etc.
- Kill Template: Enable this check box if you want to suppress the email template. In this case the email will always be bypassed.
- Kill/Unkill all templates of Group: By selecting this option all of the Template of Group will not be sent to anyone.
- Do not send to Customer: When this option is checked "Emails Notifications" are not sent to customers.