
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:How To Create And Provision An Addon


Add-on actually is the right way of selling extra resources. This article entails how to create and provision an add-on.
Applies To
MachPanel all versions
MachPanel allows you to extend your service plan offerings and accommodate additional features as and when available through the use of add-ons.
  1. An add-on enhances the capability of already created base plan through increase of features such as additional Mailbox storage, additional User Mailbox and additional set of Mailbox Templates.
  2. Selling of Shared and Resource Mailbox is possible via addons.
These type of add-on are automatically provisioned and managed by the system. Hence, MachPanel takes care of all the resource utilization.


If you have a Service Plan "base plan" initially created of 5 mailboxes with storage quota of say 5GB each and you have created 5 mailboxes already. Now you require one more mailbox with different storage suppose 1GB. But this is not possible since your base plan supports only 5 mailboxes and you have reached the limit. This would mean you either have to upgrade to a better service plan or edit the resources of existing one.

Another way to extend the offering of same Service Plan “base plan” is to create an add-on. You can sell add-on separately under the same base plan. If you don’t have add-on for Service Plan you can create one.

Now using the add-on option you can easily move to the next level to enhance your Service Plan of 5 mailboxes to sixth mailbox as desired, with any storage quota you want, Selling of Shared / Resource Mailboxes and additionally MachPanel manages add-ons for you.

Creation of a Add-on:
For creating an add-on, please follow the steps given below:

Navigate to: Home >> Service Plans >> Exchange Hosting Products. Go to Add-on Management tab and select Add New Add-on button.

  • On Step-1 you will have to select product type and add-on display name.


  • On Step-2 set the exchange resources for the add-on.

  • On Step-3 you will have to select payment cycles and price groups.

  • On Step-4 enter the prices and discounts.

  • On Step-5 add associated packages.

  • On Step-6 finally click Finish button. Now this Add-on is ready to be sold.
Provisioning/Selling of Add-On:
Please navigate to Home >> Customer Manager. Click on Subscribe Service and follow simple steps to sell add-on.

  • On Step-1 Select billing currency, On Step-2 Click on Add-on

  • On Step-3 Select the Add-on you want to add-on then save it in shopping cart.

  • On Step-4 Add-on successfully added to shopping cart click Next.

  • On Step-5 If payment has been made please add Transaction ID or click Payment Later & Save

  • The newly sold add-on order will be placed in Service Queue.
  • This add-on order will be provisioned once it is Run through the Service Queue.
  • Please navigate to Home >> Service Director >> Service Queue, Click on Run to provision the order.

Increase / Decrease Quantity of Add-ons Sold
  • Click on the "Subscription Name" of a customer as shown below:

  • Now select Add-on Tab and from options menu select "Edit Quantity".



Type: HOW TO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 2 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
Rated 5 stars based on 3 votes.
Article has been viewed 17K times.