
MachPanel Knowledgebase

RELNOTES:eJadSPM Build v2.3.10 Release Notes (September 12, 2008)


Release Date: September 12, 2008

Upgrade Instructions

Download the latest installation package from and follow the installation instructions according to the installation guide available for download at 

New Features and Notable Changes

Major Change

  • Remote Server: eJadSPM Remote Server improves the communication between eJadSPM central server and the remote servers. The eJadSPM Remote Server shall be downloaded and installed on all the remote servers controlled by eJadSPM System.

    Before running this update make sure following steps are followed:

    • Download and install eJadSPM Remote Server on your Active Directory, Exchange and SharePoint servers. Download the installation package from
    • Run the version 2.3.10 upgrade installer on your eJadSPM control server.
    • After upgrade, login to eJadSPM Provider Control Center, navigate to System Configuration >> License Management >> Remote Licenses and click the Update button

    Please note that eJadSPM Remote server requires separate license. Existing licensed users have been issued free remote server licenses.

  • Licensing: The licensing model has changed with the introduction of remote server and multiple active directories support. Now, each active directory and remote server has to be licensed separate. Existing licensed owners of hosted exchange module have been issued free license for active directory and remote server.

New Features

eJadSPM System
  • Feature added: Multiple active directories are now supported. Each active directory must be added to eJadSPM via Service Directory >> Active Directory option.
Hosted Exchange Extension (HEE)
  • Feature added: Public Folder Management - Public folder management is now available. A new Public Folder tab should appear for mail box management interface.
  • Feature added: OAB Distribution Method - A new OAB distribution method option is available which lets you set how you setup OAB distribution. This new option is available when adding new exchange server to eJadSPM.

Resolved Issues

Hosted Exchange Extension (HEE)
  • Bug fixed: Fixed a bug where sometime GAL and AL were visible across multiple hosted organizations.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed a bug where advanced permissions handling for mailbox was throwing error.
  • Bug fixed: Fixed a bug where offline address book (OAB) could not be downloaded sometime.

Known Issues

There are no known issues for this release.

Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 2 Years Ago
Last Modified By: rehan_waseem
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