
MachPanel Knowledgebase

INFO:Common Domain\Parent domain in Lync Service Plan

Mudesira Munir


This KB articles explains Common Domain\Parent domain scenario in Lync Service Plan and the management of Multi-Level OU in Lync Accounts.  This feature comes handy when you want to enable Lync Services for Small and Medium Businesses who do not have or wish to use their own domain name and want to use Provider’s Domain Name to avail Lync Services.  

You can subscribe customers for such a service plan with combination of Add-ons to form a group.  Users within one group will be able to see presence of one another, but will be segregated from other customers even though they are using the same domain name.

Applies To

This article applies to 5.2.10 HF4 or Later.


Step-1: Add Package

  • Navigate to the Path: Home » Service Plans » Lync Hosting Products and click on Add New Product as shown below:

  • On second step, under Resources Tab, you will see check-box to ask for using common provider domain, if you check this box then it will
  1. Hide Domains Resource Row
  2. Show Common OU Name Text Box
  3. Show Common Domain Name Text Box
  4. Upgrade/Downgrade step is hidden


  • Finish the creation of plan by full filing the rest of requirements. On Edit Package it will
  1. Show common OU and domain names as Read-Only, no update allowed.
  2. Upgrade/Downgrade step is hidden

Step-2: Sell Package

While selling such package, domain input will be hidden as it will use the common/parent domain name.


Step-3: Provisioning

There are two scenarios for Common\Parent OU creation during Provisioning:
  • Common/Parent OU creation
  1. If not exist then create
  2. If exists check for common domain name
  • If domain exists go ahead for child OU creation
  • If not exists
    • Create common domain, set meet URLs, publish topology etc.
  • Create child OU
Step-4: Management
  • Change in domains fill ( Not Allowed)

  • Disabled Upgrade/Downgrade of such packages (Sell Add-ons is possible only)
  • SIP domain in such subscription will not be shown, on pointing it will Show “Using Provider Common Domain”

  • Hidden Domain tab in Service Management of Lync Account

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Type: INFO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 7 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote
Article has been viewed 17K times.
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