
MachPanel Knowledgebase

ERRMSG:Dial In Access Number

Mudesira Munir


This article provides how to resolve error for Dial-in Access numbers.

Applies To

This article applies to MachPanel build v5.4.10.


After updating to 5410 "Edit Dial-in Access Number" will generate below error.

This Number has incorrect values. Please update it in DB first.

The enhancement in the conference dialing numbers in the New Built. So all previous numbers needs to be updated according to the enhanced version of conference numbers. 


Please follow below instruction to resolve error while editing Conference Dial In number.

1)    Login to MachPanel DB Server & Open SQL management Studio, Login as MachPanel_Db (SA user will not work for MP Database). For password open registry on control server (See Below image for more help) 

2)    New Query & Copy/past below Script:

DECLARE @SGMId nvarchar(10)

DECLARE @Domain nvarchar(200)

SELECT TOP 1 @SGMId = SGMemberID, @Domain = DomainName FROM HB_tblOCSHosting

WHERE DomainName <> '' AND SGMemberID <> 0 AND IsCancelled = '0' AND IsPending = '0' AND [Status]=1 ORDER BY OCSHostingID DESC


UPDATE HB_tblLyncConferenceDialIn SET SIPUri = 'sip:' + Number + '@' + @Domain, PrimaryLanguage = 'en-US',

Regions = 'US', SGMemberId = @SGMId WHERE SIPUri = '' OR PrimaryLanguage = '' OR Regions = '' OR SGMemberId = 0


3)    Open Control Server URL & Edit all the Conference Dial In Number (Edit all fields e.g Sip URL, Primary Language & Associated Region)

Note: Ensure to keep fresh backup of MachPanel Database and Files at all times, specially make a backup before attempting any updates.

Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 8 Years Ago
Last Modified By: mudesira.munir
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