
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:How to integrate Email Client & charge for the license?

Mudesira Munir


This article provide information on Download and pay for Latest Outlook/Entourage Client from our portal and charge for the license.

Applies To
This article applies to MachPanel build v6 and above
Download for Latest Outlook Client Configuration in MachPanel
A. Email Client (Outlook & Entourage):
  1. Navigate to the following Path: Home » Service Director » Exchange Hosting » Exchange Server Groups
  2. Select Email Clients tab, Click on Add Email Clients as shown below.
  3. Provide a URL to download Outlook/Entourage Client as shown in the snapshot below:

B. Create Product /Plan to Allow Download Outlook/Entourage Client:

  1. Navigate to the following Path: Home » Service Plans » Exchange Hosting Products
  2. Click on Add New Product under Product listing or Click on Add New Add-on under Add-ons Management.
  3. Under Resources tab, There is a section for Outlook Web Access Settings. See the snapshot below:

C. Login As End User to Download Outlook/Entourage Client:

When “Outlook License Enabled” is checked from service plan or via Add-on, the mailbox set up with this option will have an option to download outlook.

  1. Visible under "Options" column in front of mailbox that has Outlook License enabled.
  2. Visible under "Mailbox Detail" of 4rth level  AD user.

The link to download will not be static if this option is enabled / checked and download link will work only once for each click.

  • Step-1:  Provide Username / Email address and check Login As End User as shown below:


  • Step-2: Click on “View Details”:

  • Step-3: You will see dropdown to download email client if the option is allowed for mailbox:

Charge for Outlook Client via Usage Reports:
You can View the details for the Outlook License from the following path: Home » Service Director » Exchange Hosting » Usage Report

Click on MailBox Usage Report, see the snapshot below:

Type: HOW TO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 6 Months Ago
Last Modified By: rehan_waseem
Rated 5 stars based on 2 votes.
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