
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Exchange Email template values

Mudesira Munir


This article provides the information to Update Mailbox template according to environment and replace the platform specific variables in Exchange Email template.

Applies To

Applies to MachPanel v4.3.10 and above.


1. In order to edit the Exchange Email template navigate to the following path:
     Home >> System Configuration >> Emails configuration >> Email Templates

2. Now click on Edit Template under Pakage Info Emails section as shown in the snapshot below:

3. A new tab Edit Template will open. You can insert Company, Customer and Group variables for template group as shown in the snapshot below:

The Email Template variables can be inserted in the template by selecting them from the drop down lists. Following is the list of all variables currently in use in our email template.

Company variables

  • %CompanyName%: Should be the name of the company.
  • %CompanyAddress1%: Should be the company address1.
  • %CompanyAddress2%: Should be the company address2.
  • %CompanyCity%: Should be the name of city in which the company is located.
  • %CompanyState%: Should be the name of the company state.
  • %CompanyZip%: Should be the Zip code of the company’s country.
  • %CompanyCountry%: Should be the name of the country.
  • %CompanySalesEmail%: Should be the email address of the company’s Sales team.
  • %CompanyBillingEmail%: Should be the email address of the company’s Billing.
  • %CompanySupportEmail%: Should be the email address of the company’s Support team.
  • %CompanyFax%: Should be the fax of company.
  • %CompanyURL%: Should be the URL of the company’s website.

Customer Variables

  • %ClientFirstName%: Should be first name of email recipient.
  • %ClientLastName%: Should be last name of email recipient.
  • %ClientID%: Should be the ID of the customer.
  • %ClientPriEmail%: Should be the primary Email address of the customer.
  • %ClientSecEmail%: Should be the secondary Email address of the customer.
  • %ClientCPURL%: Should be the URL of the Control Panel of the customer.
  • %ClientLoginID%: Control Panel Login ID.
  • %ClientPassword%: Control Panel password.
  • %ClientAddress1%: Should be the customer address1.
  • %ClientAddress2%: Should be the customer address2. 
  • %ClientCity%: Should be the name of city of the customer.
  • %ClientState%: Should be the name of the customer state.
  • %ClientZip%: Should be the Zip code of the customer’s country.
  • %ClientCountry%: Should be the name of the country.
  • %ClientPhone%: Should be the phone number of the customer.
  • %ClientMobile%: Should be the mobile number of the customer.
  • %ClientFax%: Should be the fax of the customer.
  • OutlookDownloadURL: The provider needs to update this manually for now.  We plan to create a form in control panel to feed in such inputs in future builds, probably after build 4.3.14.
  • EntourageDownloadURL: The provider needs to update this manually for now.  We plan to create a form in control panel to feed in such inputs in future builds, probably after build 4.3.14.
  • "%MXRecordAddress%": The provider needs to update this manually for now.  Should be possible to retrieve from Exchange Server settings.  We will probably add this enhancement after build 4.3.14.
  • "%AutoDiscoverRedirectURL%": The provider needs to update this manually for now.  Should be possible to retrieve from Exchange Server settings.  We will probably add this enhancement after build 4.3.14.
  • "%OWAURL%": The provider needs to update this manually for now.  We plan to create a form in control panel to feed in such inputs in future builds, probably after build 4.3.14.

Group Variables

  • %MailBoxEmailAddress%: Should be the Mailbox email address.
  • %MailBoxPassword%: Should be the Mailbox password.
  • %upnUserName%: Should be the User Principal Name.
  • %packageName%: Should be the Name of service plan.
  • %packageType%: Should be the Type of service plan.
  • %signUpDate%: Should be the Signup date.
  • %subscriptionID%: Should be the Subscription ID.

Type: HOW TO
Level: Beginner
Last Modified: 12 Years Ago
Last Modified By: zohaib.shaikh
Rated 2 stars based on 3 votes.
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