Important Prerequisites/Upgrade Instructions
Improvements/New Features
Resolved/Fixed Issues
1. Important Prerequisites
Please follow the steps given below in sequence and execute instructions in the KB articles to complete the update:
Update to Latest MachPanel
Update to Latest MachPanel Remote Server
2. Important Note (Please skip if you were already running MachPanel Build 6.4.70)
- .Net Framework 4.6.2 is required to be installed on control server
- The clients who are using O365 module must do following:
- If you have installed any SkypeOnlineConnector module, Uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs in Windows Control Panel.
- If you have installed any MicrosoftTeams Module, Uninstall it using PowerShell command:
- Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams -Force
- Install 2.3.2-preview version of Teams Module:
- Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 2.3.2-preview -AllowPrerelease
- If above command gives error related to command parameters RequiredVersion, AllowPrerelease, run below commands on shell:
- Install-PackageProvider Nuget -Force
- Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force
- Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 2.3.2-preview -AllowPrerelease
3. Improvements / New Features
- General (MachPanel, AD, ADSync, Billing, Store, WHMCS):
- REST API to add custom mailbox templates for a mailbox and API calls to associate custom Templates with Product and Addon. (Get updated REST API Package here). (update all files except default.htm and web.config (if they were updated previously).
- A new email template "VPS Update Notification Email" for VM Resources details on VM add/edit
- Owner (provider/Reseller) ID, Name and Company in Owner's column in reports
- Allow editing of Sub Reseller from “Customer Profile” under Personalization tab too.
- Implement "Show Deleted" checkbox in Customer's subscription list as well
- Ability to export subscriptions list
- Domain name search Alternatives in batches
- Customer Company name textbox field in search filters
WHMCS Customer / Contact creation flows updated to avoid errors in WHMCS for customers which do not exist in Panel and WHMCS VPS Module Product flow updated to allow VM Creation via "SingleVM Plan" where now you can choose a Sealed Image during order from WHMCS. (Get updated WHMCS Package here). (Need to update "<WHMCS Root>\machpanel\hooks.php" only).
- Multiple VM templates can now be selected in Single VM plan
- The Base folder path will now be visible to provider only, not to customer or reseller
- Added permission to allow/disallow move VM in VPS Hosting.
- Button to Add VPS in ‘Home > Service director > VPS Hosting > Accounts > Add VPS'
- The delete button in Disk/NIC/VM will now detect if the item to
be deleted does not exist on backend and will skip error and delete
record from database.
- Updated VPS Addon IP assignment handling.
- Cluster level (VM and VHD) re-scanning is added in case of Failover
- Ability to Add Subnet Pool using Excel/CSV input
- "Mailbox permission Report" and Distribution list "Member Reports" is added in Exchange Hosting >Reports
- Assignment of Direct Routing Dial Plans
- Added permission (Sync) in Customer/Reseller/ Staff role templates.
4. Resolved / Fixed Issues
- General (MachPanel, Store):
- Issue Fixed: Load Audit Archive not working.
- Issue Fixed: Password input added in Import Customers.
- Issue Fixed: SSL access permission not working for Reseller/Customer.
- Issue Fixed: Add Mailbox template not working.
- Issue Fixed: Exporting mailbox report gives Resource’s error.
- Issue Fixed: Error in Addon Resources of Exchange subscription due to missing Export/Import Mailbox Quota.
- Issue Fixed: Error in adding Import/Export Mailbox related to quota when quota is Unlimited.
- Issue Fixed: Error in Clone Template.
- Issue Fixed: Hyper-V Provisioning - Service Queue
- Issue Fixed: Error fetching VM disk report when drives have no letter assigned.
- Issue Fixed: Error conversion from string to int in VM disk management.
- Issue Fixed: Removed path from VM disk listing for RCC/CCC.
- Issue Fixed: VPS addon provisioning error for private IP.
- Issue Fixed: VPS VLAN Id permission issue.
- Issue Fixed: ---None--- option is added in Teams User Policy drop down list.
- Issue Fixed: Service Phone number management removed from Reseller/Customer.