
MachPanel Knowledgebase

HOW TO:Billing Management, Taxation & Adding Payment Groups in MachPanel

Mudesira Munir


This article provides a summary on how to manage billing preferences, tax zones management, tax reporting, adding payment groups, registering offline payment and issue credit in MachPanel.

 Applies To

 MachPanel all versions

Billing Management

In each business environment several types of documents are associated which may include the invoices, payments document, credit document, refund document or any other document to demonstrate the status of any operation. Thus, Control Panel states such piece of artifacts as Document.

Please view more details on billing documents at the following KB article:

Billing preferences:

Billing preferences are set of configurations that are supposed to be setup according to the underlying business scenarios because these settings totally depend on your business nature and customer relationship.

Billing preferences involve various settings including invoice setting and payment queue. To setup the billing configurations, navigate to the following path. Home » System Configuration » Billing Configuration » General Billing

Click on the First tab that is "Billing Settings" to configure billing settings. Here, you can Enable disable PCI compliance, turn ON/OFF the billing system, Enable/Disable tax collection, the different document ID's to start from,and disable prorated, Hide credit card interfaces and enable SEPA payment method etc..

Please view more details for prorated and non-prorated billing at the following KB article:

Enable SEPA Billing Method:

This option is only available for NL customers.

  • Configuration: settings are under “Home > System Configuration > Billing Configuration > General Billing”.

  • If SEPA is enabled, there will be new menu link “Home > Billing Manager > SEPA”. This interface contains two tabs, “Mandates” and “SEPA Payments”.


  • Mandates can be enabled or disabled at database level.
  • Owner can add new mandates for its customers from Mandates tab. New mandate will be created for selected customer and selected bank on PayIBAN and mandate “Transaction ID” is returned. Max Amount 0 means unlimited.

  • Mandate details or status can be viewed by clicking on “Show Status” button in listing.
  • So far SEPA payments are not automated as old API doesn’t support it. We are in touch with PayIBAN representative for updated API. For the time being we gave an interface “SEPA Payments” to company from where company can export pending payments for customer’s whose active mandate does exist in our panel.

  • Following columns will be exported into excel: Token, Due Date, Customer Name, Email, Owner, Amount, SEPA Transaction Id, Debtor Bank Id, Debtor Bank Name, Debtor Reference, Debtor IBAN, Debtor Signer Name, Currency, Payment Transaction Id
  • Same format is expected in import operation. Token remains unchanged. Records with value in “Payment Transaction Id” will be treated as paid payments and marked in database as paid.
Reset Invoices:

Navigate to path: Home » System Configuration » Billing Configuration » General Billing, Select Invoice Settings tab, click on “Reset Invoices” button.
Provider/Reseller can reset invoices for their company using interface as shown, This interface will delete all old invoices and payments and cancelled subscriptions/add-ons from the database and generates new invoices for selected payment group, from Next Renewal Date of the subscriptions/add-ons by picking prices etc. data from associated service plans.
Before running this operation, service queue should be empty for selected company. For each subscription this will generate single setup invoice with sum total of the associated add-ons with subscription.

Taxation, Adding Tax Zones:

 It is a common practice to pay government tax and good businesses do take care of these business ethics by collecting and paying the taxes. Control Panel facilitates you to induce this functionality into your business model with quite ease and that is seamlessly managed within your defined billing system at this platform.

To configure tax zones you have to navigate the path: Home >> System Configuration >> Taxation >> Tax Zones. Now click on Add Tax Zone button.

It support both Tax and VAT. You can choose your country from the dropdown list select Tax\VAT type as fixed or percentage.

Enable/Disable Tax Collection

You can Enable/Disable tax collection in Billing Preferences.

Tax Reports:

To view report generated by the system regarding tax detail navigate the following path:

Home >> System Configuration >> Taxation >> Tax Reports

How to Add Payment Groups\Currencies?

Currency is one of the primary means of any business, it could be different from country to country or from one geographical location to another, depending upon demo-graphical factors. Thus, Control Panel has the flexibility to get adapted for varying different currencies according to your business requirement.

To setup currencies suitably and to configure those with payment gateways navigate to the following path: Home >> System Configurations >> Billing Configurations >> Payment Groups

Please view more details at the following KB article:

Payment Groups, Credit Cards & Anti-Fraud Plug-ins Management

Registering Offline Payment:

In a real time business scenarios there are possibilities for local sales or indoor sales or there could be a case where you get the payment by hand or by any other means except electronic transfer which is not automated, there is the need to keep your billing and accounts up-to-date by registering the payment for that particular client/invoice manually into that system. Thus, Control Panel allows you to accomplish this task very efficiently and that leave no impact on the system.

To register offline payments, you have to navigate to the following path:

Home >> Billing Manager >> Register Payments

And click on the Register Offline Payments tab, select the customer for whom you wish to register payment from the drop down list, provide the appropriate details and submit the form. See the snapshot below:

Issue Credit:

In daily business operations there are various adjustments and alterations, these changes can be caused by any of the reason, either it could be in the favor of any discount of service interruption or explicitly on any product after sale or it could be due to change in prices etc. Thus, Control Panel allows you to make such adjustments to keep your billing/accounting up-to-date and error free.

To issue credit you have to navigate to the following path:

Home >> Billing Information >> Payment Profile 

Select the client, to whom you wish to issue credit and provide the information in the field and click on Save button. See the snapshot below:

You can also adjust a client balance by doing a Credit or Debit adjustment to the account. To do a Credit adjustment, navigate to the above path:

Select the client, enter your reference number in Reference number box, enter the amount and then enter credit memo in the comments box. Click Save button.




Type: HOW TO
Level: Intermediate
Last Modified: 4 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Zeeshan Masood
Rated 5 stars based on 2 votes.
Article has been viewed 19K times.
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