Error in Downloading Invoice PDF "Could not find file "C:\Program Files\Control Server\Cache\Temp\Invoice_x_x.pdf"


You get error on Invoice when using "Download PDF" and "Email Invoice" operations.

Error message is: "Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Control Server\Cache\Temp\Invoice_x_x.pdf".

Applies To

May happen with any version of Control Panel. We checked this on 7.x 

Issue Verification:

To confirm the cause of issue, open Command Prompt and navigate to: C:\Program Files\MachSol\MachPanel Control Server\bin
Then Run: wkhtmltopdf.exe/?


If you get below errors, perform steps highlighted in "Resolution".



If you get error related to "MSVCP140.dll" and "VCRUNTIME140.dll" then follow instructions on THIS LINK and download "vc_redist.x86.exe" and install it.

Alternatively, you can download the installer from our website HERE and install it.

 After successful install, the output from command prompt will look like this:

Finally you can recheck the issue in panel and you should be able to download your Invoice PDF now.