Zarin Pal Payment Gateway Integration


This article provides information about ZarinPal Payment Gateway integration.

Applies To
This article applies to MachPanel v6.0. and above.
Configure Zarin Pal as Payment Gateway
  • To configure ZarinPal as your payment gateway navigate to the following path: Home » System Configurations » Providers » Payment Gateways

  • SavClick on the Configure link and follow the instructions below:

  1. Provider: Shows the name of provider you are configuring. Not editable.
  2. Enabled: Select NO only if you want to disable the payment gateway. This will prevent system from charging bills through this gateway.
  3. Merchant ID: Provide the Merchant ID.
  4. API Url: It is the API URL. You don't need to change this URL.
  5. Text to show if selected: Type necessary text.

Adding Payment Group
  • After Configuring ZarinPal, You have to Integrate it in Payment Groups from the following path: Home » System Configuration » Billing Configuration » Payment Groups 
  • Click Save button.