How to Configure Billing Options related to Suspension and Termination


This article provides information about configuring Billing Options related to Suspension and Termination.

Applies To

Applies to MachPanel v 4.3.11 and above.


  • To Configure the billing options as per your requirements navigate to the path:
Home >> System Configuration >> Billing Configuration >> General Billing
  • Select Invoice Settings tab.
  • To completely turn OFF/ON billing system & Configure Auto Suspend or Auto Terminate options as per sections shown in snapshot below:

  1. Invoice Suspended packages: Check if you want to enable invoice suspended packages.
  2. Email Invoices: Select ON or OFF.
  3. Generate Invoices: Select days from the drop down list.
  4. Email reminder Invoices: Select days from the drop down list.
  5. Email over due invoices for: Select days from the drop down list.
  6. Send daily due invoice email: Check if you want to send daily due invoice Email.
  7. Suspend Subscription with overdue invoices: Select days from the drop down list. Also you can check Do not suspend automatically option.
  8. Delete Subscription with overdue invoices: Select days from the drop down list. Also you can check Do not remove automatically option.

Click on Save button when done.