Error when creating new mailbox: "You don't have sufficient permissions. This operation can only be performed by a manager of the group. LDAPContainter: CNOAB:"


Error when creating new mailbox: "You don't have sufficient permissions. This operation can only be performed by a manager of the group. LDAPContainter: CNOAB:"

Applies To

Exchange 2010
Exchange 2007
MachPanel All Versions


When you attempt to create a new mailbox under migrated organization.
Also, in case the user name set in MachPanel responsible for provisioning is changed.  You get following error:
"You don't have sufficient permissions. This operation can only be performed by a manager of the group. LDAPContainter: CNOAB:"


Manager on Security Group Created by MachPanel for an organization is missed.


Please follow the given below steps to fix the error:

  • Go to MachPanel Configuration Studio and check the MachPanel Active Directory Account.
  • Go to Active Directory and check manage by permissions for Security Group of OU created by MachPanel.
  • Select the account for manage by permission for security group depicted in MachPanel Configuration Studio.
  • Check and confirm by creating a new mailbox from MachPanel.